

As the rapidly developing technology, more and more electronic devices areput into use and im sure that most of the people are relying on technology indaily life, whereas, mobile phones obviously played a essential role within.

It bring huge convenient to the public that they can sent text messages andmake phone calls, this easy way of communication are also widely used amongmiddle school pupils, it is easier for them to contact each other or withtheir parents,get in touch with people who even not living in their city.However, there are also down sides about it, some students that over rely onphone messages should bring them to school, unless they can control themselvesnot to play with the phone during lessons. With the existence of the phone,

many cheating ways are also invented, therefore the students should all beinform switch off their phones dur ing exams. Admitt ing the important benefitsphones has bring us,it is necessary to let all middle school students knowthat,carrying a phone with them is okay, but they should be used in a

condition that not affecting others, especially their school work, and theyshould know how often or how much they are assumed to use their cell phones,not getting addicted to that magic creature


该用-个条件, 不影响其他人,特别是他们的学校工作,他们应该知道多久或多为使用手机,不要沉迷于魔法虚拟生物
In my opinion , we shouldn' t take mobile phone to school, beacause it maymake us play more and study . that' s my opinion.
