求求英文高手 与其....不如...用英语怎么说?再多举几个例子谢谢啦




1. This house is more like a school than a church. 这所房子与其说它像教堂,不如说它像学校.


2. He is not more a teacher than a doctor. 与其说他是教师,不如说他是医生.

not more... than是more...than句式的一种变换形式,它是否定前者,肯定后者.请注意not more...than与no more...than的区别,一个表达"与其……不如……"的意思,而另一个表达"既非……又非……"之意.例如:I am no more a teacher than a doctor. 我既非老师又非医生.

3. I'm less thirsty than hungry. 与其说我渴,不如说我饿.

less是副词,含否定之意,than后分句为肯定之意.这是否定前者,肯定后者的句式.但no less than却没有肯定前者,否定后者之意,它的意思是"不少于"、"至少",带有感叹的意味.例如: He won not less than 50 pounds in the lottery. 他居然中了50英镑的奖券.

4. He is not so much intelligent as uneducated. 与其说他不聪明,不如说他缺乏教育.

not so much...as也是一种否定前者,肯定后者的句式.

5. I would rather play tennis than swim. 我宁愿打网球,不愿游泳.

6. Nathan Hale would sooner die a hero than drag out an ignoble existence. 内森·黑尔宁愿死得英雄,也不愿苟且偷生.

7. We would as soon go to a film than loiter about here. 我们与其在这儿闲逛,不如去看电影.

在例5、6、7三种句式中,情态动词would也可以用could, may等词替代,其后的副词或副词短语多用原级或比较级;表意上均为肯定前者,否定后者;其意思为"宁可,宁愿,更愿意,更喜欢,与其……不如……".

8. Give me liberty or give me death. 与其不自由,不如就去死./ 不自由毋宁死.

9. He'd die of hunger before he would steal. 他宁愿饿死不愿偷窃.

10. She desired no one for husband before him. 她非他不嫁.

第1个回答  2008-07-15
The business society nowadays features the competition of services rather than that of commodities.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-07-15
与其....不如... = rather than

In today's commercialised society, it is a competition of the services rather than a competition of the products.