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中外文学系列讲座之二 罗素《征服幸福》首先讲了人的四大欲望。由低到高分别是占有欲、竞争欲、虚荣心和权利欲。在竞争欲方面,他举例道:德国海军军长参观了英国海军之后,便产生了要超过它的想法,在强烈的竞争欲下努力发展本国海军,由此导致了世界长久的不太平。而在虚荣心方面,他讲道:虚荣心从小孩到大人无一能逃脱,一个小孩子在他学会倒立的时候,他喜欢在人们面前一遍又一遍的表演。文艺复兴时期,意大利的小王子染上了重病,临终前他的牧师问他有没有什么遗憾,他说此生最大的遗憾便是在大主教和国王来我住的塔上看我时,我没有将他们从窗户上推下去,因为如果知道自己早晚都会死,与其寂静地死去,不如让自己扬名,让世人永远记住自己。而权力欲是一种最高的欲望,人在70岁左右的时候,权力欲会达到顶峰,而过早拥有权力的人却往往过早夭折。权利欲的表现之一是对知识的追求。1950年诺贝尔文学奖获得者罗素,被称为“20 世纪最伟大的智者”。爱因斯坦说:“阅读罗素的作品,是我一生中最快乐的时光之一。”每一个有良知和热爱智慧的人,都能从罗素的著作中获得思想的启迪和精神的享受。罗素在领取诺贝尔奖时,曾做过一个演讲“what desires are politically important?"(什么样的欲望是政治上重要的),其中有一段话是这样的:“一条蟒蛇在它有足够食物的时候就会睡觉且不会醒来,一直到它需要寻找下一顿美食为止,而人的本性则根本不同……如果机器产品的利益能对那些需要它的人有任何程度的增加,那么防止永远的贫困是必要的。但是如果财富是痛苦的根源,那么让每一个人都致富又有什么用呢?”罗素的这本30年代写就的小书《征服幸福》分为不幸的根源、悠闲颂、论教育尤其是儿童的教育三个部分。罗素先从心理学和哲学的角度上深入透彻地阐释了人类不幸的源泉和幸福的来源,然后根据东西方人不同的伦理道德与社会观念,抽象出普遍适应的获取幸福的原则,其中对婚姻和伦理的论述极为精辟。在总结不幸的总的根源时,罗素总结了三大“错误”,即错误的世界观,错误的伦理观,和错误的生活习惯。每个人如果都自我意识太强,走到极端,那么就会变为自我专注,它的三种基本类型便是罪人、自恋和夸大狂意识。如何摆脱自我专注呢,他需要对能力范围之内的事情保持自然的热情和兴趣,他应该排除头脑中的自我,他要能让自己接受别人的情感,最后,他还要压缩自我的空间。要想摆脱自我专注,要有一种对事物傲然的专注,要思考的事情,而非思考自我。罗素本人就很反对写“思想日记”,他自己的日记记都是具体而实在的事,而非自己的思想和意识。英文版:told the people first four desire. From low to high, the competition is possessive desire, vanity and rights. In the competition for example, his captains, German navy visited the British navy, produce more than its ideas, in intense rivalry hard under development, which led to the navy long not peace. And he said, in vain to adult children vanity: from no escape, he learned to stand in a little while, he likes before people again and again. The Renaissance, the Italian prince picked up, before his death he pastor ask him what he said that this is the biggest regret I live in archbishop traded on the tower to see me, and I did not put them down from the window to push, because if know yourself, and silence will die sooner than to die, let his fame, let the world remember oneself. While lust for power is a supreme desire in 70 years old, when lust for power, and early peak power are often too untimely death. Right to performance of the pursuit of knowledge.In 1950, Nobel Prize winner Russell called "of the 20th century's greatest wise." Albert Einstein said, "read the works, Russell the happiest hour of my life." Every conscience and love wisdom, can get the book from the Russell thoughts enlightenment and spiritual enjoyment. Russell on the Nobel Prize, had a speech on the politically are getting "?" (what kind of desire is politically important), including a paragraph is this: "a python in it have enough food to sleep and not wake up will need to find it, until the next meal, and food of human nature is radically different... if the interests of machine products to the people who need it any degree of increase, so the poor is necessary to prevent forever. But if wealth is the root cause of suffering, and then let everyone rich and have what use?"The 1930s Russell written books "conquer happiness" is divided into misfortune, carefree chanting, education, especially the children's education theory of three parts. Russell start from the Angle of philosophy, psychology and the in-depth explanation to the source of human suffering and the source of happiness, then according to the western people of different social and ethical concept, abstracts the access to the universal principles of happiness, marriage and ethics of extremely insightful.In summary, the total root unfortunately Russell summarizes three "mistakes", namely the wrong, wrong view ethics, and habits. Everyone if all self-consciousness is too strong, go to extremes, then it will become self focus, it's three basic types are sinners, narcissistic and consciousness of megalomania. How to get rid of ego focus, his ability to remain within the scope of the nature of passion and interest, he should eliminate the ego, his mind to let yourself accept others' feelings and, in the end, he even compressed personal space. To get rid of ego focus, want to have a kind of concentration of things, to think proudly, rather than thinking about yourself. Russell I write "thought is against his diary," the diary written is concrete and really, rather than own thought and consciousness.