
考试作文 急

妈妈,当您收到这封信时,也许你才知道您在我心目中的地位,您对于我来说是多么的重要和伟大.你把我抚养成为世界上有用的人,您给了我健康的身体和顽强的生命,我爱你就像老鼠爱大米.就像锅底粘糯米。谢谢您,妈妈,我会用此生来报答您对我的爱。美好的未来就在前方。我不会令您失望的。 Mom, when you receive this letter, you may know your status in my mind, you for me is how important and great. You raise me to become useful people in the world, you gave me a healthy body and tenacious of life, I love you like a mouse loves rice. Like the bottom of sticky rice. Thank you, mom, I will use my life to repay your love to me. The future is in front of. I won't disappoint you.