
第三轮测试为口语视频评比,参赛题目:How to be happy We all just have one life.We like being happy everyday. But it is hard to be happy all the time. How can we be happy?(参赛作品时间为90秒)。求各位英语高手……拜托了,质量好点啊。谢了

(1) Sometimes we may think that happiness is so faraway a thing that we couldn't touch it. But with time passing by,I gradually understand the meaning of happiness. It turns out to be easy. You know what?You could take everything as a reason to be happy. When you come across an old friend,you can feel happiness from the bottom of your heart. When you see someone else smile to you in the morning ,you might be happy the whole day? When you find a letter which is written by your teacher,you may feel satisfaction. And when you give a seat to a pregnant woman you must be proud of yourself and be happy.
Remember when you just smile to the world,you will receive double of that.Believe it or not.Happiness is with you all the time and the most important thing is that you catch it and cherish it! (2)Many people are aiming and praying to be happy. What they do not know happiness is a journey and not a destination. Every good things in the world is already provided for us and it’s up to us to work for happiness. There’s no such thing as instant happiness, it is something to be attained. Here are some of the how to’s :

a.) Be true to yourself – don’t pretend if you do not like a situation. You can withdraw with a person that cannot satisfy you. You can change job. You can choose friends. You can do what you want if you only listen to your guts. If you think people, things and events in your life are not soothing your wants and doesn’t give you happiness let them go and think of better ways.

b.) Apathy – this is being indifferent, insensitive, uncaring, not sympathetic. If there are times that you cannot avoid certain people, certain incidence from happening in your life be apathetic. Let them go and let them not be absorbed by you. If your neighbor loves to gossip, don’t add up to the gossiping but just be indifferent. Tell her you have a lot of things to do inside your house. If there is a crisis happening, don’t let it absorb you just go on and move on with your life.

c.) Always think positive – think of good thinks and not the opposite. When you think you have less money in your pocket, don’t say “I don’t want to be poor” coz you’ll become poor eventually. Say I wanna be rich or I have more than enough money for everything. You’ll notice you’ll attract a lot of good things, gifts and good people in your life that could improve your financial aspect.

d.) Start your day with hopes – by the time you wake up, stretch your muscles with hopes and thoughts of abundance in your brain. You’ll suck more energy than waking up with bad mood. If you start your day with good more, you’ll end it with good mood and people around you will love you more.

e.) Always smile – nobody wants to be with snob people. It is so uncomfortable to be with people who love frowning. You cannot sell your products if you are not marketable enough. Smile makes some people’s day, smile and the world smiles with you.

f.) Be thankful about what you have – count your blessings. You might not recognize you have a lot of things in life that you neglected and be thankful of because you were busy complaining. Stop whining about what you don’t have instead be thankful about what you have and every thing that will come in your life will be blessings.

g.) Stop comparing – this kills your self-esteem, trust, and confidence. Accept people for who they are and don’t compare them for other better people. You are not best anyways; there will always be better and worse than you. Be contented of what you have and work for what you want.

Happiness depends on the person. If he wants happiness in his life, he has to manifest it in his actions. To receive, feel and be happy is to do happy things to others.









(3) How to Be Happy? It’s the promise of every product in the store:
“Buy me and I’ll make you better, skinnier, smarter, faster and stronger. Buy me and you’ll be happy.”
But what makes people happy?
For some people it’s friends and family, for others it’s money and power.
For some people it’s how they look, for others it’s who they are as individuals.
Happiness is a tricky thing – we’re all chasing it, but how many of us actually have it?
Some researchers say that happiness decreases when wealth and material prosperity increases.
But, for some people, happiness is the result of wealth and material prosperity.
If you’re feeling down, there is one simple way to make yourself feel happy:
Smile! Research has shown that if you force yourself to smile, you will start feeling more hopeful and happySo start stretching those lips, folks, and spread a smile.
What makes you happy?
What can people do in their lives to be happy?
(4)Happiness is them most precious thing in life. Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of (支配) him and the world is utterly(完全地) dark and dreadful(可怕的)。 On that account,his body grows weaker, his work slackens(变松弛), and above all, he thinks he would rather die than live. “how to be happy, then?” you may ask. Now, this is the very puzzle that we are going to solve. First, do things in accordance with your conscience(良心); That is, do to others, as you would have other do to you. Secondly, pay more attention to your health, which is the root of success, for a sound constitution(体质) enables you to succeed. Thirdly, worry and sorrow are of no use at all! In case you meet with some hard situation, you must try to overcome it without any hesitation(犹豫。 Willpower(意志力) is essential(不可缺的) to happiness. And the last, but not the least, adopt(采取) an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it . In this way, true happiness can be obtained.