1、外表 2、职业3、爱好4、能力5、经常干什6、我喜欢爸爸 6句话,英语作文。描写爸爸


My father has a full head of hair, nice features, strong body, very handsome.Father's occupation is the police. My father's hobby is hiking, he said,climbing to the building up of the body. His ability is to catch the bad guys.Because he likes sports, so often taught me to play basketball, tennis,football··· ···his childhood dream or sports teacher. I love my dad.

翻译:我的爸爸有一头浓密的头发,端正的五官,强壮的身体,很是英俊。爸爸的职业是警察。我爸爸的爱好是爬山,他说爬山能强身健体。他的能力是捉坏人。因为他喜欢运动,所以也经常教我打篮球、打网球、踢足球··· ···他小时候的梦想还是体育老师呢。我喜欢我爸爸。
第1个回答  2013-10-25
My father is a handsome man. He is a doctor. His favourite hobby is playing basketball. He is good at it.He plays basketball everyday.I love my dad.
第2个回答  2013-10-23

My dad is a really tall and handsome guy. Sharp eyes, dark hair, which gave a good impression as a bussiness man. Even though he is busy most of the time, he has his own hobby. My dad loves swimming and golf, which is really nice because these two hobbies gave him a strong body. My dad is always there for me and provides me with the care that I need. He is a good role model and teaches me right from wrong, and provides good examples through his words and actions. I love my father.

第3个回答  2013-10-23
1 my father has big eyes ,a small nose
2 he is a doctor
3 his like play computer game
4 he is a good doctor
5 sometime he play computer game
6 l like my father very well