
1、I recognized her (the moment) I saw her.

2、(Determined) PS:这里为什么不能用Having determined?) to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.

3、Don't trust such people (as) PS:为什么不能是用作同位语从句的that) praise you to your face.

4、The students expected there (to be) PS:这里为什么不能用there being) more reviewing classes before the exam.

5、(Lacking) PS:为什么这里不用加上介词of and为什么要用ing形式)confidence and the necessary equipment, they failed to rescue the 42 miners trapped in the mine.

6、He found them (seated) PS:这里为什么不能用sitting) at a table (playing chess) PS:to play chess不可以吗?)

7、From his (puzzled) expression, we can guess that the problem maybe was quite puzzling.(让我最最最confused的一条了!)

8、Come to see me whenever (it is convenient to you) PS:不能用it will be吗?)

9、The soldiers rushed into the burning house, two of them, unluckily, (caught) in the fire and (losing) their lives.(The final puzzle!I have chosen two choices but both of them drove me disappointed after checking the answer!)
被打上括弧的地方后面就是我的问题 或者是我完全不理解(背后没有PS的)
全部都是手工打字 希望大家能够互相尊重 谢谢!

1、I recognized her (the moment) I saw her.
the moment=as soon as: 引导时间状语从句
2、(Determined) PS:这里为什么不能用Having determined?) to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.
Determined=Because they were determined to ...
3、Don't trust such people (as) PS:为什么不能是用作同位语从句的that) praise you to your face.
as...从句是定语从句的。such people是先行词
4、The students expected there (to be) PS:这里为什么不能用there being) more reviewing classes before the exam.
expect 后面是不用ing形式的。
5、(Lacking) PS:为什么这里不用加上介词of and为什么要用ing形式)confidence and the necessary equipment, they failed to rescue the 42 miners trapped in the mine.
主语是they,lack是主动的,得用ing形式的,后面还加上宾语lack confidence缺乏信心
6、He found them (seated) PS:这里为什么不能用sitting) at a table (playing chess) PS:to play chess不可以吗?)
用sitting也行的。playing chess是伴随状语的。
7、From his (puzzled) expression, we can guess that the problem maybe was quite puzzling.(让我最最最confused的一条了!)
expression, look, voice前一般用过去分词,表示他感到迷惑不解的;而第二个是problem令人迷惑不解的。
8、Come to see me whenever (it is convenient to you) PS:不能用it will be吗?)
whenever这里也属于时间状语从句呀。whenever=any time when
9、The soldiers rushed into the burning house, two of them, unluckily, (caught) in the fire and (losing) their lives.(The final puzzle!I have chosen two choices but both of them drove me disappointed after checking the answer!)
The soldiers rushed into the burning house, two of whom, unluckily, (were caught) in the fire and (lost) their lives.
这是定语从句,所以two of whom士兵中的两人;were caught被困;lost one's life牺牲追问

2、中they were determined to do这里是表示被动决定 不然是表示什么 状态吗?
9、这道题是单选题 选项我直接打出来的 所以可以按答案解释吗 谢谢!(我原本也是选了一个有were caught的答案的T T)


2、中they were determined to do这里是表示被动决定 不然是表示什么 状态吗?
状态!be determined to do sth=decide to do sth
9、这道题是单选题 选项我直接打出来的 所以可以按答案解释吗 谢谢!(我原本也是选了一个有were caught的答案的T T)
two of them caught in the fire and losing their lives:独立主格结构,充当状语。
and two of them were caught in the fire and two of them lost their lives

第1个回答  2013-10-08

    the moment 连词 一...就...  引导时间状语  我一看见她就认出她来了 

    形容词作状语,强调状态;having done 强调动作

    such ... as... as 为关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句中充当praise you to your face的逻辑主语;such...that... 如此以至于,that 引导结果状语从句,仅为连词,不做成分

    expect 后只能加to do 做宾语 



觉得你的解释也很好啊 期待你的回答 谢谢哈


5. lack n 常与介词of 搭配 ;这里是考察非谓语动词,lack 及物动词
6.he found them seated = sitting at the table; 第二个空只能用playing the chess ,伴随主句动词seated 同时发生,且由主语发出

第2个回答  2013-10-08
4。expect是期望,to be 更符合句子,期望,但还没实现的东西
lacking 这是表示原因。。。因为缺乏。。。所以失败了