
哥本哈根气候大会提出倡导低碳生活(Low-carbon )理念。请以“How to Have a Low-carbon Lifestle”为标题,谈谈作为一名中学生,如何从身边的小事入手,减少污染 节约能源 保护环境 开头: The pollution around us is becoming worse and worse, so it's time for us tu do something to protect our environment

The pollution around us is becoming worse and worse, so it's time for us tu do something to protect our environment
Low carbon life is not so difficult as it heard to be. It is among our daily life. For example, do not drive your own car when you can just take a bus. Do not write a card, when you can just send an e-mail to say “happy birthday”. And do not buy something when you can just make one with old things. Living a low carbon life is easy, healthy, and of course environmentally friendly. Therefore, low carbon life is a tendency of our society.
Moreover, if all of us live a low carbon life, the green house effects would be ceased in the future. As long as all of us live a low carbon life, the 2012 would never come.

第1个回答  2011-03-13
The pollution around us is becoming worse and worse, so it's time for us tu do something to protect our environment. there are many ways to solve this problem. Firstly, we can reduce carbon that is produced in our transport. using public transport, shopping on internet, join car-pooling, walking rather than using our private car. This can reduce carbon dioxide that is produced by fuel. recycling material is also a sustainability method.