

self introduction就可以了, 说一下自己以前在哪里毕业,在哪里教过什么课程,等等,还有 准备如何帮孩子们学好英语,对她们有什么要求等等,注意不是背书,而是像跟家长沟通一样的把上面的信息告诉家长,让他们对你充满信心,就好了...
第1个回答  2007-03-28
Good morning/afternoon everyone here,I am xx,from xx,very delighted to have such a good opportunity to give this lesson.You know in such an open society,English is becoming more and more important.Being an english teacher,i hope i can help students to obtain real english abilities,including speaking,listening writing and reading and so on .ok,now let's get to the point.classes begin.
第2个回答  2007-03-28
Hello everybody, I am glad to see all of you here today. my name is ***, (introduce yourself a little bit)