急求!!!!以“AFTER SCHOOL"为主题,写一篇英语作文,高三水平,字数不限,立意要深刻点

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The time after school:

As we all know, the time in school is important for every student's development in his or her study career.However,do you realize that it is also vital to arrange the time after school.
Firstly,in the class, some students may not master some knowledge well, so it is really needed for him or her to review the knowledge in the class.Secondly, nowadays people who gets all-round development will be accepted by school or society.So, there is no doubt that students should arrange their leisure time to develop their own interests.Thirdly,we all need leisure time to relax ourselves or do any other things.As students, The time after school must be arranged reasonably to relax themselves .
As we have discussed so much above,from now on, we should arrange our time after school !!
第1个回答  2011-04-16
In a cartoon "Let Go of Me", a boy has to attend many extra classes,leaving him tired and depressed. This vavidly reflects our present school life.

I think too many after-school classes do students more harm than good. We are accupied with too many extra classes and endless homework everyday, which gives us no time to develop our own interests and talents. As a result, many students feel physically and mentally stressed and some even suffer from nervous disorders or poor health. No wonder about 60 percents of the students wear glasses today.

We students should not be robbed of our spare time. We disire a golden and cheerful childhood. Going to the theatre...joining in social activities should be a part of our life.

I believe these activities will broad our horizons and make our shool life lively and meaningful.
第2个回答  2011-04-16
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