在《2010通则》中 CFR CPT CIF CIP属于象征性交货吗?

注意!是在《2010通则》下,不是以往的《2000通则》13种贸易术语,是已经更新后的11种贸易术语。 在《2010通则》中 CFR CPT CIF CIP属于象征性交货吗?


第1个回答  2011-04-27
9月27日,国际商会在巴黎召开国际贸易术语解释通则2010全球发布会,正式推出其于近期刚刚完成修订的Incoterms 2010。这标志着被经贸界使用了近十年的Incoterms即将被新版本所取代。 新版本将于2011年1月1日正式生效。

Incoterms® 2010 与Incoterms 2000的关系:

虽然Incoterms 2010 将于2011年1月1日正式生效,但是Incoterms2010实施之后并非Incoterms 2000就自动作废。因为国际贸易惯例本身不是法律,对国际贸易当事人不产生必然的强制性约束力。国际贸易惯例在适用的时间效力上并不存在“新法取代旧法”的说法,即2010实施之后并非2000就自动废止,当事人在订立贸易合同时仍然可以选择适用Incoterms 2000甚至Incoterms 1990。

外贸人员应该学习掌握Incoterms 2010新的规则。但是,外贸人也无须过于担忧。首先,贸易一线的人员没有必要担忧,未来的两三年Incoterms 2000仍然会是贸易合同的主角;法律界的法官、律师们更无须担忧,Incoterms 2010纠纷两三年之后才会大量出现。

但是司法考试的同学们明年要特别注意了,因为不出意外的话明年司法考试的大纲会将Incoterms 2010列为司考内容。

Incoterms 2010主要变化:

1. 术语分类的调整:由2原来的EFCD 四组分为适用于两类:适用于各种运输方式和水运


3、删除INCOTERMS2000中四个D组贸易术语,即DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)、DAF (Delivered At Frontier)、 DES (Delivered Ex Ship)、 DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay),只保留了INCOTERMS2000D组中的DDP( Delivered Duty Paid )。

4、新增加两种D组贸易术语,即DAT ( Delivered At Terminal )与DAP(Delivered At Place )。


Incoterms2010 are arranged into the two distinct groupsgroups:

Any Mode of Transport

CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid
CPT – Carriage Paid To
DAP – Delivered At Place
DAT – Delivered At Terminal
DDP – Delivered Duty Paid
EXW – Ex Works
FCA – Free Carrier

Sea and Inland Waterway Transport Only
CFR – Cost and Freight
CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight
FAS – Free Alongside Ship
FOB – Free On Board

In addition to the 11 rules, Incoterms®2010 will include:

* Extensive guidance notes and illustrative graphics to help users efficiently choose the right rule for each transaction;
* New classification to help choosing the most suitable rule in relation to the mode of transport;
* Advice for the use of electronic procedures;
* Information on security-related clearances for shipments;
* Advice for the use of Incoterms® 2010 in domestic trade

This interpretation is provided as a guide only.

Incoterms® are published by the International Chamber of Commerce and are available on their website and official publication “Incoterms® 2010〃. For a complete and official overview please refer to the ICC’s publication.


EXW Ex Works All types of transportation

FAS Free Alongside Ship Water transport
FOB Free On Board Water transport
FCA Free Carrier All types of transportation

CFR Cost and Freight Water transport
CPT Carriage Paid To All types of transportation
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight Water transport
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid All types of transportation

DAT (new delivery term) Delivered At Terminal All types of transportation
DAP (new delivery term) Delivered At Place All types of transportation
DDP Delivered Duty Paid All types of transportation

DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid);
DAF (Delivered At Frontier);
DES (Delivered Ex Ship);
DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay).
第2个回答  2011-04-25