
1)without the relationship between fun and learning we would not learn nearly as much.
2)for example,college students would feel free to select the major that they want to pursue without felling they much have payental appoval

1)【Without引导含蓄条件句】 the relationship between fun and learning ,【we主语】【 would not learn虚拟式谓语】 【nearly as much.程度状语】
此时,without可替换成 if 条件句。

2)For example,【college students主语】【 would feel free to select 谓语】【the major宾语 】【that they want to pursue定语从句】 【without felling they much have parental appoval介词短语,作状语,表示伴随情况】
这时,without不含有条件意义,不能换为 if 条件句。