

lim·it [límmit]
noun (plural lim·its)
1. farthest point, degree, or amount: the farthest point, degree, amount, or boundary, especially one that cannot or should not be passed or exceeded
The car was tested to its limits on the test track.

2. maximum or minimum amount allowed: the maximum or minimum amount, or the largest or lowest quantity, that is available or allowed
an upper age limit of 12 years

3. boundary of area: the boundary or edge of an area, or something that marks a boundary or edge (often used in the plural)
the city limits

4. restriction: a feature or circumstance that restricts what can be done
a time limit

5. gambling maximum money allowed in betting: the maximum amount of money that can be staked at any one time in various games of chance
6. mathematics maximum of mathematical function: a numerical value approached by a mathematical function as the independent variable of the function approaches infinity or a specific value
7. mathematics value specifying integral's range: one of the two given values specifying the range over which a definite integral is evaluated

transitive verb (past and past participle lim·it·ed, present participle lim·i·ting, 3rd person present singular lim·its)
1. restrict something: to restrict something or somebody in number or quantity, or restrict something to a particular group
had to limit the number of guests because of space problems

2. be boundary to area: to be or act as a boundary to an area

[14th century. < Latin limit- "boundary"]

lim·it·a·ble, adjective
be the limit to be so bad as to be almost beyond what somebody is able or prepared to tolerate

lim·i·tar·y [límmi tèrree]
adjective (archaic)
1. restricted: on which limits are imposed
2. restrictive: imposing limits

lim·i·ta·tion [lìmmi táysh'n]
(plural lim·i·ta·tions)
1. restriction: an imposed restriction that cannot be exceeded or sidestepped
limitations on the height of vehicles

2. restricting flaw: a disadvantage or weakness in somebody or something (often used in the plural)
One of the limitations of the program is the amount of memory it requires.

3. setting of limit: the act of limiting something
damage limitation

4. law maximum delay allowed: a particular period of time within which a legal action must start
5. law legal restriction: a legal restriction on the powers that somebody has

lim·it·ed [límmitəd]
1. with limit imposed: on which some form of limit or restriction is imposed
We have limited space available.

2. lacking full scope: existing at or below the full degree or extent, usually far below
limited powers

3. of relatively little talent: with talents or skills that fall short of what is expected or required
4. politics lacking full authority: lacking a full range of powers, especially because of constitutional or legal limitations
5. commerce with restricted stockholder liability: describes a British-registered business enterprise whose stockholders' liability for any debts or losses is restricted

-lim·i·ted·ly, adverb
-lim·i·ted·ness, noun
第1个回答  2007-05-09
[ 5limit ]
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