
韩国与中国在地理上非常接近, 生活在相同的儒教文化圈内, 因此具有许多类似的女性问题。中韩两国女性都受到儒教封建观念的束缚,一直挣扎在社会与历史的底层和边缘。然而, 随着历史、社会的变化, 女性意识开始了觉醒。

第1个回答  2011-04-14
Korea and China is very close on geography, both of them live in a culture circle of Confucianism, therefore many similar female problems exist. The women in this two countries are restrained with confucianism feudalism perception, and they always struggle for survial in the bottom and edge of society and history. However, along with the reformation of history and society, the feminist consciousness starts to awake
第2个回答  2011-04-14
South Korea and China geographically very close, living in the same Confucianism culture, therefore has many similar within the female problems. Both China and South Korea ought now women are bound by Confucianism, the feudal ideas in society and history has been struggling with the bottom edge. However, as the historical, social changes, female consciousness started awakening.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-04-14
South Korea and China get very close to each other geographically.Living in the same Confucianism culture, so they have lots of similarity within the female problems. Both China and South Korea women who has been struggling in the bottom of society and history are bound by Confucianism and the feudal ideas. However, as the history and society changes, female consciousness start to awake