
姓名拼音,宗教信仰,民 族,出生年月 政治面貌 外语语种和级别 二外语种级别
联系电话 身份证号 所在院校专业或单位 论坛工作期间居住地址 户口所在地址 个人简历(从大学到目前) 参加大型赛会志愿服务经历 曾获奖励及特长 本人签名 所在单位团组织或所在街道、社区意见等等

姓名name 拼音 pinyin,宗教信仰religion,民 族nation,出生年月date of birth 政治面貌party member or not 外语语种和级别premier foreign language and level 二外语种级别second foreign language and level
联系电话telephone number身份证号ID number 所在院校专业或单位university, major or unit 论坛工作期间居住地址address during working for the forum 户口所在地址registered permanent address 个人简历(从大学到目前)resume (from university till now)参加大型赛会志愿服务经历 volunteer experiences for big events曾获奖励及特长 prize winned, skills and talents 本人签名signature 所在单位团组织或所在街道、社区意见 comments from the Communist Youth League and community where I belong等等
第1个回答  2011-06-02
Name in Pinyin, religion, nationality, date of birth and level of the political landscape Foreign Language Second Foreign Language species level
Phone ID number of professional institutions or units where the work of the Forum account during the residential address where the address of your resume (from college to the present) to participate in major competitions won the Volunteer Service Award and expertise through the units I sign or street league organizations, community views Etc.
What is the English translation of these? Thank you!
第2个回答  2011-06-02
姓名拼音:Name pinyin 宗教信仰: religion 民 族:People race 出生年月:birth 政治面貌:Political affiliation 外语语种和级别:Foreign languages and level 二外语种级别:Double language level 联系电话 :Contact phone number 身份证号:pin-codes 所在院校专业或单位:Professional or unit's universities 论坛工作期间居住地址:During the BBS work residential address 户口所在地址:Registered permanent residence is in ad 个人简历(从大学到目前):Resume (so far) from university 参加大型赛会志愿服务经历Participating in large stewards voluntary service experience 曾获奖励及特长:Once won awards and speciality 本人签名:I signed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------希望你能满意我的回答
第3个回答  2011-06-02
name; religious belief; nationality; date of birth; political statue; second foreign langguage and grade; mobile ; ID number; graduate school; major; address;native place; personal resume;