It is the first time that he has been to America,______? 此句的反义疑问句是。。。


isn't it ?
如:I told that you should not do that again, didn't i ?
不过,如果主句是这样的;I thing / hope / believe / imagine that....反意部分就要和从句保持一致,还要注意从句的部分前移。如:
I think that you will do that, won't you?
I don't think that you will do that , will you ?
第1个回答  2011-05-26
1 It is the first time that he has been to America, ISN'T IT?
2 It was the first time that he had been to America, WASN'T IT?
第2个回答  2011-05-26
对,isn't it? it 代表的是主语从句由that引导,但主语还是it, 所以反义疑问时就要用is not it?
第3个回答  2011-05-26
isn't it ?强调句的反义疑问句。这里强调的是时间。不能保证对。你自己翻下语法书吧。
第4个回答  2011-05-26
isn't it ?