英语外贸函电 术语翻译

大家帮帮忙 期末考试的 谢谢啦
1交货期 2报实盘 3最近价目表 4市场需求 5凭单付现 6修改信用证 7销售确认书 8现货 9撤销一项发盘 10运气付款交单 11加速开立信用证 12商业发票 13新货源 14立即装运 15用集装箱装运 16还盘 17长期业务关系 18防潮包装 19小心轻放 20起运港 21已装船清洁海运提单 22底价 23 分批装船 24水渍险 25保险单


1.交货期delivery date
2.报实盘firm offer
3.最新价目表the latest price list
4.市场需求market demand
5.凭单付现cash against documents(CAD)
6. 修改信用证amendment to L/C
7.销售确认书sales confirmation
8.现货stock in hand
9.撤销一项发盘 to revoke an offer
10.远期付款交单documents against payment after sight (date)
11.加速开立信用证Accelerate opening l/c
12.商业发票commercial invoice
13.新货源new goods source
14.立即装运immediate shipment
15.用集装箱装运shipment in containers
16. 还盘counter-offer
17.长期业务关系long-term business relation
18.防潮包装damp-proof packing
19.小心轻放handle with care
20.起运港port of shipment
21.已装船清洁海运提单 clean on board ocean B/L
22.底价base price或者lowest price
23. 分批装船partial shipment
24.水渍险WPA (with particular average)
25.保险单policy of insurance

1.FCL整箱货;整柜装箱装载(full container load)
2.CIF到岸价;成本、保险费加运费(cost insurance and freight)
3.FOB离岸价;装运港船上交货(free on board)

第1个回答  2011-01-07
1交货期 lead time, delivery time,
2报实盘 firm offer
3最近价目表 latest price list
4市场需求 demand
5凭单付现 cash against documents
6修改信用证 amend the L/C
7销售确认书 sales confirmation
8现货 stock
9撤销一项发盘 revoke an offer
10运气付款交单 运气?远期付款交单是documents against payments after sight
11加速开立信用证 issue the L/C as soon
12商业发票 commercial invoice
13新货源 new supply of
14立即装运 arrange shipment immediately
15用集装箱装运 container loading
16还盘 counter offer
17长期业务关系 long-term business relaitonship
18防潮包装 waterproof packing
19小心轻放 handle with care
20起运港 port of loading
21已装船清洁海运提单 clean on board ocean B/L
22底价 bottom price
23 分批装船 partial shipments
24水渍险 With Particular Average
25保险单 insurance policy

1FCL full container loading, 整柜
2CIF cost, insurance and freight, 成本+保险费+运费
3FOB free on board, 俗称离岸价,


第2个回答  2011-01-08
1.delivery 2. firm offer 3. recent/latest price list 4. market demand 5.cash against documents 6. modification/amendment of the L/C 7. sales confirmation 8. actuals/physicals 9 cancel an inquiry 10. 付款交单是document against payment, 运气两字是不是亲写错了?11. 开立信用证 issue an L/C 12. Commercial Invoice 13 new supply of goods 14 immediate delivery 15 load and transport by contianers 16 counter offer 17 longterm business relationship 18. damp proof package 19. handle with care 20. port of shipment 21. clean on board bill of lading 22 bottom price 23. partial shipment 24 with particular average (WA, WPA) 25. insurance cert
第3个回答  2011-01-07