you'd better do句子

要10个含you'd better do\not do的句子。要有语境,要符合现实

1.--Would you mind my smoking here?
--You'd better not .Here's no smoking area.
2.I drove quickly just now. He tell to me"You'd better not do it.It's dangerous."
3.You'd better tell your father about it.It's important.'d better ask your teacher about it by youself.
5.-You look tired. You had better have a good sleep right now.
-Thank you. But I have much work to do.
6.You'd better go to hospital at once.
7.Tom, you'd better go there today.
8.Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。
9. You had better be quiet.
10. We had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer and so it will be cheaper in the end.我们最好还是买贵些的,它更经久耐用,所以到头来,它还是更便宜些。
第1个回答  2011-01-07
you better do what i said, otherwise i will kill you where you stand.