福音专辑 介绍【英译中】

The music business can be cruel towards a hard working, high reputable soloist or group. Those who minister for God sometimes exercise their faith and perseverance knowing His will is the priority. Even after two successful projects, both with critics and fans, Brent Jones & The T.P. Mobb started shopping for another recording outlet. They dealt with rejection and a potential label deal that went sour.

Jones 2004 release, The Ultimate Weekend, was an obvious labor of love. Three years later, Tyscot, one of the most respected gospel labels, signed Jones 18-member vocal group, then launching The Ultimate Weekend, in 2008. The project embraces various urban elements but clearly with a praise and worship slant, in a manner similar to their first efforts; a self-titled debut and Beautiful. Both the CD and DVD capture Jones & The T.P. Mobb inside the historical Capital Recording Studios in Los Angeles. A major gospel music innovator in the millennium, Jones has extended his gifts to movies (Boycott) and stage productions (The Fabric of a Man), alongside ministry projects with Byron Cage at the renowned Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Washington, DC.

This concept CD breaks down a typical weekend scenario. Starting with Friday as a day to wind down from the long week, it is fitting that this section serves up ballads, mostly with a modern R&B slant. The relaxing The Ocean is the essential quiet time to release all that s on our mind: I can focus on my problems; I can focus on Your glory. Spectacular Jesus possesses a bumping rhythm track and a thoughtful reading by Wendy Jones, it implores listeners to express themselves while focusing on His indescribable greatness: I wanna scream, but I m afraid I d miss something.

Next comes Saturday, a time to have some fun as long as Jesus is in charge. Stephen Rasta GT Dolphin, a Mobb favorite and the CD s co-executive producer, spices up the party with two Reggae-accented pieces: Fun in the Sun, kicking it with dancehall energy, and roots Reggae highlights The Lover, a song about God who is an unconditional lover. Never knowing where the Mobb will venture next, I Don t Wanna Go To The Club, is propelled by a throbbing electro funk backbeat, and it digresses in several tongue-in cheek directions, including the talk box (made popular by Roger Troutman) and chiming in on Orbit s version of The Beat Goes On. Even though the beats lean for the club, the lyrics lean for Christ: Don t wanna drink, need my mind to think.

The music business can be cruel towards a hard working, high reputable soloist or group. Those who minister for God sometimes exercise their faith and perseverance knowing His will is the priority. Even after two successful projects, both with critics and fans, Brent Jones & The T.P. Mobb started shopping for another recording outlet. They dealt with rejection and a potential label deal that went sour.
音乐界是可以残酷对待一个勤奋刻苦、声誉高超的歌手或乐队的。那些供职于上帝的人知道为了优先考虑他的意愿,有时要贯彻信仰并坚持不懈。尽管Brent Jones & The T.P. Mobb已发行过两部获得好评又畅销的作品,但却需要另寻唱片公司;他们到处碰壁,而且还失去一个签约的机会。

Jones’ 2004 release, The Ultimate Weekend, was an obvious labor of love. Three years later, Tyscot, one of the most respected gospel labels, signed Jones 18-member vocal group, then launching The Ultimate Weekend, in 2008. The project embraces various urban elements but clearly with a praise and worship slant, in a manner similar to their first efforts; a self-titled debut and Beautiful. Both the CD and DVD capture Jones & The T.P. Mobb inside the historical Capital Recording Studios in Los Angeles. A major gospel music innovator in the millennium, Jones has extended his gifts to movies (Boycott) and stage productions (The Fabric of a Man), alongside ministry projects with Byron Cage at the renowned Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Washington, DC.
Jones 在2004年发行的‘The Ultimate Weekend’显然是个公益事业。三年后,最受尊崇的福音唱片公司Tyscot与Jones的18人演唱组合签约,并于2008年发行专辑‘The Ultimate Weekend’。该专辑涵盖了多个城市音乐风格的子集,但与较早发行的首张自命名专辑和第二张‘Beautiful’一样,明显地倾向于赞美和敬拜上帝。专辑的CD及DVD都是在洛杉矶历史悠久的Capital Recording Studios录制。作为千禧年的主要福音音乐创新者,Jones将其才华延伸至电影(Boycott)和舞台剧(The Fabric of a Man),同时也与Byron Cage在华盛顿特区著名的AME教堂履行神职。

This concept CD breaks down a typical weekend scenario. Starting with Friday as a day to wind down from the long week, it is fitting that this section serves up ballads, mostly with a modern R&B slant. The relaxing The Ocean is the essential quiet time to release all that s on our mind: I can focus on my problems; I can focus on Your glory. Spectacular Jesus possesses a bumping rhythm track and a thoughtful reading by Wendy Jones, it implores listeners to express themselves while focusing on His indescribable greatness: I wanna scream, but I m afraid I d miss something.
此概念式CD将一个典型的周末情景划分叙述。以星期五开始作为一周艰辛工作后的放松日,这一段恰如其分地献上多数是现代蓝调风格的抒情曲。令人放松的"The Ocean”是使你忘掉一切烦恼的平静时刻:“我可以关注我的困难;我可以向主赞颂”。
"Spectacular Jesus”是一首颠簸节奏的曲子,其中还有Wendy Jones引人深思的朗读,恳求听众在关注他难以形容的伟大的同时,也要表达自我的感情:“我想要呐喊,但我担心会错过一些东西”。

Next comes Saturday, a time to have some fun as long as Jesus is in charge. Stephen Rasta GT Dolphin, a Mobb favorite and the CD s co-executive producer, spices up the party with two Reggae-accented pieces: Fun in the Sun, kicking it with dancehall energy, and roots Reggae highlights The Lover, a song about God who is an unconditional lover. Never knowing where the Mobb will venture next, I Don t Wanna Go To The Club, is propelled by a throbbing electro funk backbeat, and it digresses in several tongue-in cheek directions, including the talk box (made popular by Roger Troutman) and chiming in on Orbit s version of The Beat Goes On. Even though the beats lean for the club, the lyrics lean for Christ: Don t wanna drink, need my mind to think.
接着是星期六的来临,只要是耶稣在掌控,这是享受欢乐的时刻。Stephen Rasta GT Dolphin是一名受欢迎的Mobb成员,也是本CD的联合执行制作人,他以两首强调雷鬼风格的曲子提高欢庆的气氛:”Fun in the Sun”充满迪厅舞曲的能量,另一首是根本雷鬼乐的"The Lover”, 歌颂上帝无私的爱。真不知接下来Mobb会往哪闯,'I Don t Wanna Go To The Club”被一种跳动的电子放克基调强节奏的推进,并岔开几个滑稽玩笑的方向,包括talk box(由Roger Troutman搞红的)及随声附和Orbit版本的" The Beat Goes On”。尽管曲子是倾向俱乐部的音乐节拍,但歌词却是向着耶稣基督:“我不想喝酒,需要清醒头脑去思考”。

注:talk box 可以翻译为人声盒子,是一种音响效果;这个效果是这样做出来的:将一根管子一端连在嘴里,另一端与一个共振器相连,当人发音时语音被拾音放大并以乐器的波形输出,这样就好像是一把会说话的吉他。这是80年代Roger Troutman最新颖的演唱方式,他对西海岸嘻哈文化产生了巨大而深远的影响。可惜的是在1999,由于兄弟反目,Roger被哥哥Larry枪杀,然后他自杀身亡。来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2011-01-06

琼斯2004年发布,最终的周末,是一个明显的爱劳动。三年后,Tyscot,最受人尊敬的福音标签,签署琼斯18名成员组成演唱组合,然后在2008年推出终极周末之一。该项目包含,但显然有不同的赞美和崇拜倾斜都市元素,在他们的第一个类似的方式工作;自首张同名专辑和美丽。无论是CD和DVD捕捉琼斯暨T.P. Mobb里面的历史资本录音室在洛杉矶。一个主要的福音音乐的革新者在千禧年,琼斯已经扩展到电影他的礼物(抵制)和舞台剧(对一个人的布),同时与拜伦笼部的项目在著名的埃比尼泽非洲卫理主教(AME公司)教会在华盛顿,直流。


第2个回答  2011-01-06
琼斯2004年发布,最终的周末,是一个明显的爱劳动。三年后,Tyscot,最受人尊敬的福音标签,签署琼斯18名成员组成演唱组合,然后在2008年推出终极周末之一。该项目包含,但显然有不同的赞美和崇拜倾斜都市元素,在他们的第一个类似的方式工作;自首张同名专辑和美丽。无论是CD和DVD捕捉琼斯暨T.P. Mobb里面的历史资本录音室在洛杉矶。一个主要的福音音乐的革新者在千禧年,琼斯已经扩展到电影他的礼物(抵制)和舞台剧(对一个人的布),同时与拜伦笼部的项目在著名的埃比尼泽非洲卫理主教(AME公司)教会在华盛顿,直流。
