

1、余生看淡一切, Release your grip on life's trivia and be kind to yourself. You'll find that what once seemed impossible to let go of are merely stepping stones in your growth.
2、善待自己的说说:Don't be too compliant, you can say no to things you don't want to do, avoid what's beyond your capabilities without hesitation, and ignore comments that don't resonate with you. Life isn't about pleasing others; it's about being kind to yourself.
3、将体重留给爱的美食, eyes for the beautiful scenery, patience for the true intentions you seek, joy for the bravery that overcomes obstacles, and hugs for the version of yourself that never leaves.
4、人生就是一场自娱自乐的长途旅行, pleasing others is just cleverness, but true wisdom lies in finding joy in every day, no matter what life throws at you.
6、前路还长,愿有人看穿你的坚强, understand your past, see through your stubbornness, and offer you all the love and tenderness you deserve, so remember to try, accept, and be brave in front of the right person without trying too hard.
7、清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,愤怒时睡觉,独处时思考; live a fulfilling life by reading, traveling, working hard, and taking care of your body and mind, ultimately becoming the best version of yourself.
8、你做得再好,也还是有人指指点点; even at your worst, there will still be those who praise you. So don't worry about pleasing others; the only person you need to impress is yourself.
9、人活着脸皮就要厚点, there's no shame in making mistakes or looking foolish; laugh it off and don't be afraid. As you become more comfortable with the world, you'll grow stronger.
10、因为别人的评价,我们失去了多少独特之处, we've lost our edge and uniqueness because of others' opinions. The longer we care about what others think, the harder it is to tell if we're living for ourselves or for others.
11、买了就买了,不要去比价;吃了就吃了,不要去后悔;爱了就爱了,不要去猜疑;散了就散了,不要去诋毁. Smile through life, be carefree, follow your heart, and let things be as they may.