


上车get in the car/get on the bus,下车get out the car/get off the bus,沿着along,玫瑰花园路一站stop one of rose garden road,告诉某人某事tell sb. about sth.,告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth,住得离学校近live close to the school,住得离学校远live far away from school,花费spend/cost,一本好书a good book,一个半小时one and half hour,购物中心shopping center,想要做某事want to do sth,魔法相机magic camera,输入仓(不太清楚),后面的注释the annotation below ,红灯亮着red light is on,13年后thirteen years later,又高又壮tall and strong,需要某物/人need sb./sth,,需要做......need to do sth.,带眼镜Wear glasses,擅长于be good at sth,某方面比较差be not good at,我认为是这样i was convinced so,我认为不是这样i do not think so,乔装打扮disguise,给某人穿衣服put sth on sb,好看的good looking,车站station/stop,教室calssroon,想要......want ,努力学习study hard,练习中文practice Chinese,夏季校服Summer suit,十月初beggining of October,四月末end of April,白色短袜white socks,天气变黑the sky is getting dark,树叶变绿the leaves turn green,食物变坏the food is gone bad,在学校花园里in the garden of school。

第1个回答  2011-01-16
a good book一本好书 need sth/sb需要某物/人 need to do sth需要做......
spend花费 station车站 classroom教室 i don't think so我认为不是这样 talk sb sth告诉某人某事 talk sb to do sth告诉某人做某事 13 years ago13年后 tall and strong又高又壮
第2个回答  2011-01-16
get up,get down, along,the station named rose garden road,tell sb. of sth., tell sb . to do sth., live near of the school, live far away the school, spending, a good book, an hour and a half, the center of shopping, want to do sth, magic camera , following notes. the red light is turning on. after 13 years . talk and strong, need sb./sth. need to do, with glasses, to be good at... .is worse at .... i think so, i think no,to dress up to wear sb. sth. nice/ beautiful/ good-looking/pretty/ . bus /railway station, classroom, like to do, work hard studying,practice the language of chinese. the summer clothes of school. in the beginning of octuber, the the end of april, white socks, it turn dark, the leaves turn green, the food turn bad,in the garden of school.


第3个回答  2011-01-16