

1、delicious 美味可口的,好吃  Does that slice of chocolate cake look delicious or is it all in your head ?那块巧克力蛋糕是不是看上去很好吃?你是不是满脑子都想着它?yummy 好吃的;美味的  Well , I believe it is safe . Wow ! Just look at those yummy -looking tomatoes !唔,我相信它是安全的。
2、哇!瞧瞧那些看起来很美味的西红柿!  tasty 可口的东西;味道好的  That is why plants produce fruit that is often brightly coloured and tasty .这就是为什么植物结出色彩鲜艳并且可口的果实。
3、  appetizing 开胃的;促进食欲的  Seafood is always so appetizing .海鲜总是那么的诱人。
4、  delectable 美味的;  He ate every savoury morsel of a delectable stew at the dinner.晚餐时他吃遍每一道味美可口的炖食。
5、  flavorful 可口的,有味道的  Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up flavorful Mexican food and beer .一些美国人越过国境,只是为了吃点可口的墨西哥食物,喝点墨西哥啤酒。
6、  good-tasting 口感好的  One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good-tasting alternatives with less alcohol.劝人适量饮酒的一个方法就是提供口感好但酒精含量低的酒。
7、  luscious 香甜,甘美的(可以形容人)  He enjoyed the luscious fruit.他很喜欢吃那种香甜的水果。
8、  palatable 美味的,可口的  This dish is quite palatable.这个菜很对胃口。
9、  savory 可口的;风味极佳的;味美的  There where barbecue mutton -chops for lunch , huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal .午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。
10、  scrumptious 美味的;绝妙的,极好的  While sipping his sangria , he noticed a scrumptious-looking platter being served at the next table.品尝着香格里亚酒(注),他注意到一盘热吱吱,看起来香喷喷的菜被端上邻桌。