2007-2008郑州八年级英语上册 期末考试题及答案!在线等!快!


  一. 单项选择:(20分)
  ( )1.He is an ______boy.
  A. eight years old B.eight -year-old C.eight-years -old D.eight-years old
  ( )2. A lot of people are used to ____in bed.
  A.read B.reading C.reads D.read books
  ( )3.The hole ____by the workers
  A. was filled up B.filled up C.is fill up D.was fill with
  ( )4.He is suffering ____a bad cold.
  A.with B.of C.from D.in
  ( )5.She always does her homework all _____.
  A.by oneself B. by herself C. by myself D.by itself
  ( )6.My life will be ___ better than it is now.
  A.more B.a lot C. very D. too
  ( )7.About a hundred years later people decided ___up the dirty river
  A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.to clean
  ( )8.We don't need to bring paper money .We can use a _____.
  A.named B.name C. credit D. paper
  ( )9.They are good friends now . They ____each other.
  A.go on well B. get on C.get on well with D.get on well
  ( )10.I think she ____her homework in two hours.
  A.finished B.finishing C.finishes D.will finish
  ( )11.He told me he _____me the next day .
  A.calls B.called C.will call D.would call
  ( )12.Last night she made us ____for a long time .
  A.work B.worked C.to work D.works
  ( ) 13.The book ____him 20 yuan.
  A.cost B.took C.spend D.paid
  ( )14.OK. Let's give him ____to eat.
  A.something different B. different anything
  C.anything different D.different something
  ( )15.The sun gives us light ____the day.
  A.during B.on C.for D.since
  ( )16.I prefer ____ to ______.
  A. sing ,dance B.singing ,dancing
  B. C.to sing ,to dance D.to sing,dance.
  ( )17.Mr. White makes a living____bikes.
  A.by sell B.by selling C.with sell D.with selling

  ( )18.I will ____ finish the work .
  A.do my better to B.do my better at
  C.do my best to D.do my best at
  ( )19.________the music ,please.It's too loud.
  A.Turn up B.Turn over C.Turn to D.Turn down
  ( )20.Jack ________his homework when someone knocked at the door.
  A. is doing B. was doing C. did D.will do
  A long time ____people thought that the sun went round the earth .In some countries people even said that the ____was a god . They thought the god drove across the sky each day on a golden horse. Now we know the earth goes round the sun . It takes the earth a year_____all way round the sun . Today men even know how far ____for the earth to go round the sun .They tell us that the earth travels over a thousand miles a minute on its journey round the sun.
  The sun is really a star . It is much ____than the earth and it is very ____. Some people have been to the moon but we know that ____can ever go to the sun . It is far too hot _____people to live ____near it . The sun is _____times heavier than the earth and more than million times larger.
  ( )1.A. before B. later C.ago D.after
  ( )2.A.moon B.earth C.star D.sun
  ( )3.A.going B.goes C.to go D.go
  ( )4.A.is it B.it is C.is that D.that is
  ( )5.A.bigger B.biggest C.smaller D.smallest
  ( )6.A.cool B.hot C.cold D.warm
  ( )7.A.anyone B.no one C.someone D.anybody
  ( )8.A. to B. at C.for D. as
  ( ) 9.A.something B.some place C.a place D.anywhere
  ( )10.A.three hundreds thousands B.three hundred thousand
  B.three hundreds thousand D.three hundred thousands

  二. 阅读理解:(30分)
  Dear Mr. Herman,
  In my family ,my parents often told me many "shoulds and should nots". I am very uncomfortable with this way of teaching and I hate it .Although my parents are good to me,they don't understand me at all .I have tried to communicate with them ,but I failed over and over again.They don't listen to me .Now I am twenty-four and believe that it is impossible to talk frankly with my parents. I usually feel very sad about this .Why is it so difficult to have a good communication between children and parents? Many families in China have the same problem . How can we solve it?
  I expect to hear your answer. Thank you !
  Yichang Hubei
  ( )1.This article may be from ______________.
  A. the TV B.a magazine C.an ad D.a story
  ( )2.How old is George ?
  A.24 B.14 C.12 D.28
  ( )3.What's George's problem ?
  A. He doesn't know how to write to his parents .
  B. He can't have a good communication with his parents.
  C. His parents don't want him to go out at all .
  D. He didn't pass the exam at school.
  ( )4.George's parents_____________________.
  A. don't like him at all. B.don't understand him.
  C.are very busy and have no time to talk with him.
  D.are good to him and always understand him.
  ( )5.It is ________for children and parents to understand each other.
  A.easy B.impossible C.difficult D. not good
  My name is Scot and my hobby is collecting stickers. It is popular with people of all ages because it is not an expensive hobby .
  I have been collecting stickers since 1998.I began to collect stickers through the influence of my neighbor,Bob.One day while I was playing in his house ,he showed me his sticker albums. I was surprised to see so many colorful stickers of different shapes and sizes. He gave me a few from his collection . My interest in stickers started from that day .
  At first ,I kept my stickers in sticker albums .Later, I found it difficult to move the stickers in the albums . So I decided to keep them in boxes.
  Most of my stickers are from my parents. They often buy me nice stickers. I also exchange some of my stickers that my aunt sent me .She is an air hostess around the world .
  In my free time.I usually bring out all my lovely stickers,lay them on the floor and admire them I really enjoy doing this as it helps me recall who gave them to me ,where and when I got them .
  1. Collecting stickers is a 1_____and 2______hobby.
  2. Bob's stickers were in 3______shapes and 4______.
  3. Scott keeps his stickers in boxes_5_____he found it 6_____ _7_____ _8_____the stickers in the albums.
  4. Scott's aunt can go to different countries 9______ _10_____her job.
  B:Of course .
  A:How was it ?
  B:Well. I did OK this time .My math teacher said _2___________________.
  A:Really ? You are lucky .
  A:Not very good . My worst report was from my science teacher.
  B:Don' worry ._5________________________________________________.
  A: Maybe.
  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
  5. d 6. d 7. c 8. d
第1个回答  2011-01-16
1. Deng Yaping is a f______Chinese ping-pong playe.
2. Li Yuchun won the first p_____in the Supergirl Competition in 2005
3. I am going to be a student in Beijing U_____when I finish my high school.
4. I have to do the d_____after meals.
5. –Mom, I’m really____. Is there anything to drink?
--Sure, here you are.
二、 单项选择。
( )1. How____cups of milk do you drink every dqy?
A. much B. many C. a little D. often
( )2. Wei Hua’s shoes are bigger than____.
A. she B. her C. hers D. she’s
( )3. --_____do you go to see your grandparents?
--Twice a week.
A. How often B. has C. be D. had
( )4. There’s going to ____a basketball game in our school this Sunday.
A. have B. has C. be D. had
( )5. —Do you enjoy ____table tennis match?
A. watch B. have C. take D. make
( )6. How long will it _____us to get there on foot?
A. spend B. have C. take D. make
( )7. Yao Ming was born ____September 12th, 1980.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
( )8. She started ice skating ____she was four.
A. after B. where C. how D. when

( )9. The capital of the USA is____.
A. New York B. Washington C. Los Angeles D. London
( )10. The newspaper is boring. There isn’t____.
A. something interesting B. interesting something
C. anything interesting B. stay out late
( )11. If you’re tired and stressed out, you should_____.
A. study hard B. go to the dentist
C. listen to light music D. stay out late
( )12. It’s relaxing ____a walk along the beaches on a sunny afternoon.
A. take B. to take C. took D. takes
( )13. You’d better do more exercise, and eat ____ food. It’s good for your_____.
A. health, health B. healthy, healthy
C. healthy, health D. Health, healthy
( )14. The teacher gave us_____.
A. many advices B. a lot of advice
C. much advices D. many advice
( )15. He has a sore throat, and he should ____ some hot tea.
A. drinks B, drinking C. drank D. drink
三、 下列每句话有一处错误,找出并改正。将错误标号和正确答案写在题后的横线上(5分)
a) They left to Shanghai last Wednesday morning.
b) –Could I use your computer?
--Sorry. Here you are.
c) It was rained heavily yesterday.
d) My sister is more outgoing as I.
e) They by the bus to school every day.
四、 补全对话。在下面横线上填上一句话,使其句子通顺,意思完整,完成对话。
Next Sunday is Edward’s birthday. He is going to have a party at home and invite some good friends. (Ed=Edward El=Eliza)
Ed: Hi, Good morning, Eliza!
El: l___________________!
Ed: What a nice day!
El: Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Ed: Next Sunday is my birthday. I’m going to have a party at home. 2_____________?
El: Of course, 3_________________. Thanks for inviting me. 4______________?
Ed: At half past five on Sunday afternoon. Don’t forget to tell your brother, Tim, I hope5____________, too.
El: OK. I’m sure he would like to come.
五、 完成填空。(10分)
Bill and Fred were friends. They didn’t have 1 money. so when it was time 2 their summer vacation, Bill said, “Let’s 3 our vacation in a trailer(挂车), Fred. It’s 4 than a hotel. I can borrow my father’s trailer. ”Fred was very happy, so they got into the trailer and 5 their vacation. They wanted 6 early the next day to go fishing, but they didn’t have an alarm clock.
“That’s all right , Bill, ” Fred said, ”I’ll put these small 7 on the roof(车顶)of the trailer tonight and they’ll wake us up in the morning. ”
Bill was very 8 , but he didn’t say 9 . Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light(天亮),small birds 10 to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly.
( )1. A. many B. a lot C. much D. some
( )2. A. in B. to C. of D. for
( )3. A. to take B. take C. takes D. taking
( )4. A. cheaper B. cheap C. more cheap D. the cheapest
( )5. A. begin Bbegan C. beginning D. to begin
( )6. A. to wake up B. wake up C. woke up D. wakes up
( )7. A. a piece of bread B. pieces of breads
C. piece of bread D. pieces of bread
( )8. A. surprised B. surprises C. surprising D. surprise
( )9. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything
( )10. A. came down B. flew away C. ran away D. walked down
六、 阅读理解。
Doctor brown is always busy at work. But next month he is going to take a long vacation. He is going to China with his wife. They have heard the saying”The man who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. ”So they are going to Beijing, the capital of China , to see the Great Wall. They are staying in Beijing for a bout a week. They have a lot of Chinese friends there, so they are visiting them. Then they’re flying to Hangzhou to see the West Lake . They are going fishing there. They plan to stay there for a bout half a week. Dr. Brown is always at the top of the Yellow Mountain in his dream. This time he has the chance(机会) to have a look at it . So next they’re going to Anhui by train and going hiking in the greatest mountain. Afer five or six days in Anhui they’ll have to go back to London and have a good rest for a bout a week before they go on with their work.
Where What How long
1________ Visit the Great Wall and their friends About a week
Hangzhou Visit the West Lake and go fishing 2________
3_________ Go 4_________in Yellow Mountain Five of six days
5. 把划线句子翻译成汉语 : ______________________________________________________

O.Henry, a famous American writer of short stories, was born in North California in 1862. O. Henry was a pen name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When he was a young boy, be did not go to school for long because of being born in a poor family, but he tried to teach himself everything he needed to know.
When he was about 20 years old , O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. But he got himself into some trouble. Some money from the bank was lost. Someone thought O. Henry stole(偷)the Money , so he was sent into prison(监狱). During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing.
He wrote about New York and the life of the poor there . People liked his stories, because most of the stories made them excited.
( )1. O. Henry was an American writer. He was good at short stories.
( )2. O. Henry didn’t study at school for long because there was no money in his family.
( )3. O. Henry went to Texas in 1880.
( )4. O. Henry was in prison for three months.
( )5. His stories were about New York and the life of poor people.

People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In South China people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two or three times a day , for breakfast, lunch and supper. They usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetables.
Japanese eat rice, too, They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw fish(生鱼片).
In Africa, corn is the most important food . People there make corn into flour(面粉). From the flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western countries, like England , Austalia and the USA, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home. But usually they buy it at shops. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road . People call it “take away”food.
( )1. This passage is about_____.
A. food B. drinks C. clothes D. transportations
( )2. ____sometimes eat fish when it isn’t cooked.
A. People in China B. People in Africa C. People in Japan D. People in Britain
( )3. The most important food for African people is _____.
A. rice B. corn C. vegetable D. fish
( )4. Which of the following countries is A”western country”?
A. One of the countries in Africa. B. Japa C. China. D. Australia.
( )5. People eat “take away”food____.
A. at home B. on their way to school
C. in their office D. A, B and C

What do tourists think a bout Highville?We did a survey a bout the most popular town for tourists. We asked one hundred tourists in three towns, Highville, Midville, and Lowville, The survey has some good news about what people think about Highville and what they like to do most when they are here.
Most people think the service in the hotels in the three towns is good , but most people think the hotels in Highville have the best service. Most people think the beds in Highville hotels are the most comfortable. The hotels in Midville and Lowville are not popular, because they are more expensive than Highville’s, They also have smaller rooms. Room service in Highville hotels is the fastest. Most people think the room service in Midville is bad , Lowville’s is the worst!
Highville has the best television service and they also have the best radio stations!Lowville has the worst television service and the most boring radio stations!
Most people think Highville has the best restaurants. The quality of the food is much better than the food in Midville.
The sports centers in Highville and Lowville are more popular than the Sports Center in Midville, The Bird Park in Lowville is the least popular place to go . Highville’s Wild Animal Park is the most exciting place for younger people to go.
( )1. What does the article talk about?
A. The price of food
B. The service of the shops.
C. The service of the hotels in the three towns.
D. The price of beds.
( )2. Which has the best service?
A. Highville does. B. Midville does.
C. Lowville does. D. The article doesn’t tell us.
( )3. Highville has_____.
A. the most comfortable beds
B. smaller rooms
C. the most boring radio stations
D. the bad room service
( )4. What do people think of the television service of Lowville?
A. It is better than Highville’s.
B. It’s the best of the three.
C. It is the same as Midville’s.
D. It’s the worst of the three.
( )5. Where is The Bird Park?
A. It’s in Lowville B. It’s in Highville
C. It’s in Midville D. I don’t know.
七、 写作。(15分)
每个人都有自己的梦想,你的梦想是什么?长大后你想干什么?你打算如何实现自己的梦想呢?请以My Dream为题写一篇70词左右的短文,谈谈你的梦想和打算。
My Dream
第2个回答  2011-01-03
第3个回答  2011-01-19