
1.What about going out to play?
I don't want to play.I prefer______at home rather than_______.
A.staying;to go out B.to stay;go out
C.stay;go out D.to stay;going out
2.The____in Guilin is very beautiful.Would you like to go there with me?
But I've decided to go to Beijing.There are many places of_______there.
A.scenery;interesting B.painting;interesting
C.painting;interest B.scenery;interest

3.How are you getting on_______your new book?
After moths of work,my new book has gradually_______.
A.at;known about B.at;put up
C.with;taken shape D.with;taken over

1-B:prefer to do, rather than do 固定搭配
2-D:同学你打了两个B 不过我想最后一个应该是D scenery表风景,第一个空填painting不成立,所以排除BC,第二个空places of interest表景点,所以选D。
3-C:getting on with:固定短语,表开始或在做某事。taken over表强行夺走某人财产,不成立,故选C。

楼上夫妻对败:GETTING ALONG WITH才是相处如何 无意冒犯。
第1个回答  2011-03-29
1c 2b 3 d
第2个回答  2011-03-29
1 B prefer to do rather than do 比起……宁愿做(第一个动作)
2 D scenery自然风光,不可数名词。places of interest名胜古迹
3 C get on with 相处如何,干得如何 take shape 成形,初具规模
第3个回答  2011-03-29
ok, i've given you the right answer, now it is for you to thank me, hehe. And here I want to give you a piece of advice: When you are learning English don't concentrate on difficult examination tests, but pay more attention to your text books, read them, remenber them by heart. That is the right, the best and the most effective way to learn a language!追问

Thank you.But you did not explain clearly.I can't chose you.XI XI.Thank you all the same !

第4个回答  2011-03-29
1,B此题考查prefer的用法,即prefer to do rather than do sth
2,D,翻译是”桂林的景色非常美,你愿意跟我一起去吗?“”但是我已经决定去北京了,那儿有许多名胜古迹。“表示自然景色用scenery,表示“名胜古迹”的短语是place of interest
3,C,此题考查短语get on with sth"好好做某事”和take shape“成形”