MHC II分子(一种外周膜蛋白)的分选途径(或者合成途径)?请详细介绍,谢谢!


在合成的MHC II类的内质网中,α和β链多肽复合物生产和使用被称为特殊不变链 。 The nascent MHC class II protein in the rough ER has its peptide-binding cleft blocked by the invariant chain (Ii; a trimer) to prevent it from binding cellular peptides or peptides from the endogenous pathway (such as those that would be loaded onto class I MHC).新生的MHC II类雌激素受体蛋白中的粗有其肽结合裂的恒定链(二;一三聚体)阻断,以防止从内源性通路结合,比如那些将到类加载(蜂窝肽或多肽它本人MHC)的。

The invariant chain also facilitates the export of class II MHC from the ER to the golgi, followed by fusion with a late endosome containing endocytosed, degraded proteins.不变链也有利于从急诊室的MHC II类产品出口到高尔基体,紧随其后的融合晚内体含有吞噬,降解蛋白质。 The invariant chain is then broken down in stages by proteases called cathepsins , leaving only a small fragment known as CLIP which maintains blockage of the peptide binding cleft on the MHC molecule.当时的不变链细分阶段称为蛋白酶蛋白酶 ,只留下一个小片段被称为夹而维持阻塞分子的肽结合的MHC上裂。 An MHC class II-like structure, HLA-DM , facilitates CLIP removal and allows the binding of peptides with higher affinities. MHC II类的类结构, 人类白细胞抗原,糖尿病 ,方便夹删除,并允许更高的亲和力结合肽的。 The stable class II MHC is then presented on the cell surface. MHC II类的稳定,然后提出了关于细胞表面。