

My English teacher,a man who is above twenty,makes us feeling that he is the best!He gives us knowledge,tells us how to be a real man,solves the problems whatever happens in our life or study--though he's only a jenior school teacher!
He has his own only way in teaching,which aims at improving our ability of self study.He used to say to us:"The only one who can help you is yourself!"So he trys to make us understand that!He asks us do the question ourselives first,if there's really something seems hard for us,then ask for help from him!
And on the problem of how to be a man,the only require he make is to be honest!He told us that a man who is honest can get help from many friends while the person on other hand will be forgot by the people who used to know him!
And we should say:that's a teacher!and that's our teacher!
第1个回答  2007-04-18
My English teacher this year 20 years old, is long very gracefully,the stature very is also high. Wears pair of eyeglasses, he worksearnestly, has the patience very much, frequently and we playtogether, he remains the work not many but our academic record is veryhigh.(我的英语老师今年20岁,长得很帅,个子也很高。戴着一副眼镜,他做事认真,很有耐心,经常和我们一起玩,他留的作业不多但我们的学习成绩很高。)