







With the opening-up growing with time, media, represented by internet technique, have given us deep impression of globlization. The communication of politics, economy, culture, education, etc between nations is getting more and more thorough, while the abuses concealing behind the prosperity are, like a tiger, starting to show its sharp teeth.

Firstly, we cannot deny the fact of cultural invasion. KFC, McD, Starbucks and other representations of fast-food culture have entered our country; toys with European and American brand and comic readings from Japan has been ruling the children market; more and more parents have been rushing to send their children to language school...facing all these facts, we cannot help to cry out that it is a huge invasion of culture. Pessimisticly we've found that our traditional culture is facing a problem of succeeding and future developing. Will it be possible that after many years we Chinese be "banana men" with a Chinese look and a foreign mind?

Secondly, the invasion of economy. This struction on a political base is always so mysterious and so inviting. But as long as the various policies for foreign finance come one after another, we will find the fact that domestic labor are severely exploided due to the wrong leading of media and that we have fallen into a trap of trade surplus(中国是贸易顺差,你写逆差是不是弄错了?如果确定要写逆差,surplus改成deficit) as well as a centre of cheap labor market. It is the unfair side of the cooperation between a country with good economy situation and the other without. For example, the cooperation of the USA and Chian. Who dare to say that China wins more from it? Meanwhile, the consuming level has always been rising (Shanghai e.g.). The growth in GDP has not brought real benefit to ordinary people since their purchasing power has not been greatly improved.

Thirdly, the change in value. It is still due to mainstream media losing their professional moral. It is more than simply the difference between cultures. Indeed, there is a saying goes "Foreign moon is rounder than the local one". It satirize this phenomenon well.
The international communication under wrong leading has brought a far vile impact. If cultural invasion has made us lose our respectable tradition and inside spirit, so has the change of value to our principle and dignity.

Last but not least, I want to say something about ethic. Real problems lying in international communication include ethic, which is inevitable for every country, just like "Happy families are all the same while unhappy ones have their own bitterness." Under the conflict of different ethic and moral judgement, we may lose the emotion and moral that we Chinese used to treasure most for thousands of years, for example, the change of judgement towards family.

So as a result, international communication is good but we must keep our own culture while communicating and cooperating in science and technology field. We should never lose our Chinese style. We were not beaten in wars, what is more, we should never be beaten in spirit and culture.

Today, we refuse to "lose" any more.

第1个回答  2007-04-17
第2个回答  2007-04-18