请问除了有哪些动词后面是不能够加 to do的?列如 spend in doing之类的?

比如我知道的有spend in doing,concentrate in doing 请问还有哪些呢?最好是常用的,特别是考研要求的。谢谢。

to doing”不是固定结构,to是介词

“to doing” 不是什么固定结构,仅仅因为"to"做介词词性时,后面可以加doing(此时doing叫动名词,任何一个动词加ing都可以变成动名词,可以加在任意介词后使用,因为“介词+名词”)。所以,to后面要加“doing"其实是因为to和其它动词(或形容词、名词)搭配,构成了特定的短语,其中to做介词。此时就不再把"to"翻译成“去”,而可以翻译成“对于、于……”,“和、与……”等语义。

look forward to……(对某事期待)

devote oneself to……(投身于某事)

make contribution to……(对某事做贡献)

have access to……(和某事接触)

be similar to……(和某事相似)

be related to……(和某事相关)

thanks to……(多亏某事)

in additon to……(除了某事)

以上动词短语、名词短语、形容词短语中的to”全部都是介词,这些短语后面都要加名词(注意,我特地翻译成“某事”,就是想强调后面加名词),所以一旦碰到动词,后面就只能接“doing ”,把动词变名词,才不会出现语法错误。


be used to 习惯于……

be related to 与……有关

be addicted to 沉溺于……

be admitted to 被……录取

be reduced to 沦为……

be attached to 附属于……

be known to 为……所知

get accustomed to 习惯于…

lead to 导致……

stick to 坚持……

pay attention to 关注……

see to 确保……

add up to 加起来……

turn a deaf ear to 对……充耳不闻

turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见

set fire to 放火烧……

put an end to 结束

show honor to 对……表示尊敬

do harm to 对……有害

date back to 追溯到……

when it comes to 当提到……

the key to……的答案

pay a visit to 去参观……

put one’s mind to 全神贯注于……

第1个回答  2021-11-26
1.carry on\keep doing 坚持做某事
2. practise doing sth. 练习做某事
3. keep sb. Doing 使某人一直做某事
4. enjoy doing 喜欢做某事
5. finish doing 完成做某事
6. be afraid of doing 害怕做某事
be busy doing 忙于做某事
9. how about doing//what about doing 做某事怎么样
10. spend some time (in)doing 花时间做某事
11. spend some money (in) buying 花钱做某事
12. feel like doing 想做某事
13. stop/keep/prevent … from doing 阻止某人做某事
14. thank sb for doing 感谢某人做某事
15. thanks for doing 感谢做某事
16. do some cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing 做点饭、打扫一下卫生、读点书、逛逛街、洗洗衣服
17. go swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/boating 去游泳、钓鱼、逛街、滑冰、划船
18. mind doing 介意做某事
can’t help doing 情不自禁做某事
21. have fun/difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth. 做某事有趣、有困难、有困难、有困难
22. waste time/money doing 浪费时间、钱做某事
23. instead of doing 代替做某事
24. miss doing 错过做某事
第2个回答  2021-11-26

    有哪些动词后面只加to do,有哪些后面只接doing,...

    答:下列动词或词组都可以用不定式: afford aim agree arrange ask decide bother care choose demand desire determine elect endeavor hope fail help learn long 渴望 mean manage offer plan pretend refuse tend undertake expect hate intend...

    2019-09-10 回答者: huyurong152 1个回答 2

    哪些动词后面不可以加 to do sth?


    答:enjoy hate

    2007-11-09 回答者: 474336159 2个回答

    哪些行为动词后面只能加doing而不能加to do??

    问:比如finish`keep`enjoy后面只能加doing而不能加to do。但像like`stop`be...

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