
With the restriction that improvements shall specifically be defined as only those improvements which already come within the scope of one or more claims of the Patent Rights, end furthermore only those improvements which are directly useful for the making and use of Licensed Devices and Licensed Products which are the subject of this Agreement, if the Licensee has heretofore brought about or shall hereafter during the term of this Agreement bring about any improvements, including improvements brought about by Licensee’s vendors or subcontractors to which Licensee may become entitled, excepting improvements brought about by another licensee holding a  Unique product systems licence, the Licensee shall promptly offer to disclose such improvements to the Licensor in confidence and if such improvements reasonably appear to be patentable Licensor shall file and prosecute patent applications thereon in Licensee’s name, the expense of which shall be borne by the Licensor, for the securing and maintaining of patent protection in such countries of the world as agreed between Licensor and Licensee and such application and any patents issuing thereon shall be included in the Patent Rights.

If either Licensor or Licensee, as a first party, shall inform the other party that it has decided not to file such patent application in any country or shall fail, within sixty (60) days after written inquiry by the other party on the patent status of an improvement, to file such patent applications as specified above or to prosecute such pending applications under the above provisions, the other party shall have the right to do so at its own expense and the said first party shall promptly assign to said other party its entire right, title and interest in and to such patent applications. Said first party, on the other party’s request, shall sign or cause to be executed all lawful documents and perform all lawful acts to effectuate fully such assignments to the other party.

With the restriction that improvements shall specifically be defined as only those improvements which already come within the scope of one or more claims of the Patent Rights, and furthermore only those improvements which are directly useful for the making and use of Licensed Devices and Licensed Products which are the subject of this Agreement, if the Licensee has heretofore brought about or shall hereafter during the term of this Agreement bring about any improvements, including improvements brought about by Licensee’s vendors or subcontractors to which Licensee may become entitled, excepting improvements brought about by another licensee holding a unique product systems licence, the Licensee shall promptly offer to disclose such improvements to the Licensor in confidence and if such improvements reasonably appear to be patentable Licensor shall file and prosecute patent applications thereon in Licensee’s name, the expense of which shall be borne by the Licensor, for the securing and maintaining of patent protection in such countries of the world as agreed between Licensor and Licensee and such application and any patents issuing thereon shall be included in the Patent Rights.

If either Licensor or Licensee, as a first party, shall inform the other party that it has decided not to file such patent application in any country or shall fail, within sixty (60) days after written inquiry by the other party on the patent status of an improvement, to file such patent applications as specified above or to prosecute such pending applications under the above provisions, the other party shall have the right to do so at its own expense and the said first party shall promptly assign to said other party its entire right, title and interest in and to such patent applications. Said first party, on the other party’s request, shall sign or cause to be executed all lawful documents and perform all lawful acts to effectuate fully such assignments to the other party.

第1个回答  2011-04-08

第2个回答  2011-04-20
根据本合约的规定,所有改良都只包括对那些已被纳入专利权范围内的事物所作出的改良,而且,只包括那些对本合约所涉及的“获授权设备”和“获授权产品”的制造和使用直接有用的改良。因此,倘若“获授权者”目前已经带来改良,或日后在本合约的有效期内带来任何改良,包括由“获授权者”的供应商或分包商所带来,而且可以成为“获授权者”所有的改良,但不包括由持有“唯一”产品系统(Unique product system)执照的其他“获授权者”所带来的改良,在这种情况下,“获授权者”必须及时以机密方式向“授权者”披露这些改良,而且,倘若这些改良可以取得专利权,则“授权者”须以“获授权者”的名义,在双方同意的国家申请专利,并由“授权者”支付有关费用,而这项申请和因此而获发的专利,亦必须纳入本合约的“专利权益”中。

第3个回答  2011-04-08
第4个回答  2011-04-08
第5个回答  2011-04-08
