



一、语音知识 ※1.

※2. 单词重读 'dinner 'kitchen 'shower 'people for'get p i'ano de'licious re'view

二、词汇 ※ 1. 1-6单元黑体字单词

※ 2. 词组 what about=how about …怎么样(认为 如何)

fall asleep=be asleep 入睡

eat up 吃光

go to bed 上床睡觉

watch TV 看电视

only child 独生子、独生女

wash the dishes 洗盘子

at school/home/work 在学校 / 家 / 工作

go up 起床

live with sb. 和某人住在一起

三、日常用语 §1. What's your name? My name is Mike.

§2. Are you happy? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

§3. What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English.

§4. Do you like sports? Yes, I do./No, I don't.



§1. 词类:名词、冠词、形容词、

§2. 比较等级


※1. 名词 ①表示人或事物的名称,如 boy, clock, b ook, tree。 总的说来,名词分为专有名词和普通名词 两大类。 专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有 的名称,如: Jim, China 专有名词的第一个字母要大写,如:Beiji ng, New York

②名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数 名词和不可数名词。 可数名词:可以用数目计算,有单数和复 数两种形式,如:an apple, two apples, a car, some cars 不可数名词:一般无法用数目计算,没有 复数形式,且不用不定冠词a/an修饰, 如:water, milk, meat, tea, bread, rice


注:①少数名词的复数是不规则的,如: man→men woman→women child→chil dren ②表示民族的名词,有的在词尾加 s , 如: an American→three Americans ③有的单、复数形式相同,如: a Chine se→four Chinese a sheep→three sheep a deer→five deer

※2. 冠词 冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,只能和 一个名词一起使用,并帮助说明此名词。 冠词有两类,即定冠词the 和不定冠词a/an。 ①不定冠词 常表示“一”的概念,有两种 形式:a和an。a用在辅音音素开头的单 数可数名词前,如:a book, a pen;an 用在元音音素开头的名词前,如:an ap ple,an orange,an egg。

②定冠词the 常表示“这个”“那个”“这些”“ 那些”的概念,the在元音 音素前读,在 辅音音素前读 ,如:the moon, the eveni ng。 eg. ①-Do you have an English book? -Yes, but the English book is broken.

② There is a chicken in the picture.

③ We can't see the sun at night.

④ The Browns are going to the park this Sunday.

⑤ Shanghai is in the east of China.

※3. 形容词 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征,在 句中可以作定语、表语、宾语补足语。 如: It's a sunny day today. Let's go to t he park. This book is good. It's very nice of you to help us.

常见形容词的同义词与近义词: large→big 大的 glad→happy/pleased 高兴的 clever→bright 聪明的 ill→sick 病的 fine→well 好的

常见形容词的反义词和对应词: bad(坏的)→good(好的) big(大的)→small(小的) busy(忙的)→ free(空闲的) dry(干的)→wet(湿的) same(相同的)→different(不同的) empty(空的)→full(满的) cold(寒冷的)→hot(热的) open(开着的)→closed(关闭的) poor(穷的)→rich(富的)

※4. 副词 用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句 ,在句中作状语或表语。 eg. Now he is back in New York again. 现在他又回到了纽约。 Mike is a good student. He often does hi s homework carefully.

副词一般分为七大类: ①时间副词: now, often, then, early, ag o, before ②地点副词: here, there, out, above, up, down ③方式副词: hard, well, badly, fast, slo wly ④程度副词: very, much, still, almost, t oo, so ⑤疑问副词: how, when, why, where ⑥关系副词: when, where, why ⑦连接副词: now, where, why

often 等表示“频率”的时间副词,总被放 在句子中间,又称“中置副词”。这类副词 有 always(总是)、 usually(通常)、 sometimes(有时)、ever(曾经)、

ver(从不)等。 “中置”规律: ①放在单个的 be 动词之后; ②放在单个实义动词之前; ③谓语动词为多个词时,放在第一个助动 词或情态动词之后。 如: You are always late for school. 你 总是上学迟到。 I usually go to school by bike. I never see that book. He often helps other students. He goes to work on foot sometimes.

※5. 比较等级 在进行比较的时候,形容词和副词有原级 、比较级和最高级三种形式。 规则形容词和副词的比较级和最高级加 -er或-est。 (1)不规则变化的形容词和副词如下: →better→best

→wors →worst

(许多)many/much→more→most (几乎没有)little→less→least (远的)far→farther→farthest (老的,旧的)old

(2)三种句型 ① 原级句型: as+形容词/副词+as,表示“和…一样”; 否定句式:not as/so +形容词/副词+a s,表示“和…不一样”。 eg. I think Kate does just as well as Ann. If you like the chicken, you may have as much as you can. I don't like the film. It's not so interestin g as that one.

② 比较级句型: a. 主语+谓语+比较级+than+其它, 表示“较…一些”。 eg. This city is more beautiful than that one. It is hotter today than yesterday. He is a much nicer worker.

b. 比较级+and+比较级,more and mo re+原级,表示“越来越…”,说明本身程 度的改变。 eg. The world's population is growing fa ster and faster. 世界人口增长得越来越快。 more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮

c. the+比较级, the+比较级,表示“越… 就越…”,说明随着前边条件的变化,后 边的结果也发生变化。 eg. The more she eats, the fatter she'll b e. 她吃得越多就会越胖。 The more, the better. 越多越好。

③ 最高级句型: 主语+谓语+(the)形容词或副词的最 高级+in/of 注:最高级前一般要用the,如: He is t he most careful student. 但在副词最高级前the可以省去,如:He writes(the)most carefully in his class . This kind of cake is the most delicious. I like English best. Mike is the youngest in his class. He runs fastest.

初一英语上册专题重点动词 一、be动词 1. 根据人称的不同,be动词有三种基本 形式,分别为am,is和are。am用于单 数第一人称(I);is用于单数第三人称(he ,she,it);are用于第二人称和复数第一 ,二,三人称(we,you,they)。 例:I am fifteen years old. 我十五岁了。 You are my friend forever. 你永远是我的朋友。 He is a hard-working student. 他是一个刻苦努力的学生。 The students are reading books in the cl assroom. 学生们都在教室里读书。

2. be动词的否定形式直接在后面加not. I am not fifteen years old. He is not a hard-working student. The students are not reading books in t he classroom.

3. 把be动词的肯定句变成疑问则要直接 把动词be提到句首,变型如下: Are you fifteen years old? Is he a hard-working student? Are the students reading books in the cl assroom?

二. 行为动词 1. match v. 相称;匹配 ● match. . . with. . . e. g. Match the words with the pictures ,please. 请把单词和图画相搭配。

2. practise v. 练习 ●practise doing sth. 练习做。。。 e. g. He practices speaking English ever y day. 他每天都练习读英语。

3. welcome v. 欢迎. ● welcome sb. to sp. e. g. Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. 欢迎贝蒂和托尼来我们学校。

4. invite v. 邀请 ● invite sb. to do sth. e.g. Tom invites me to go to the concert with him on Saturday. 汤姆邀请我跟他周六一起去参加音乐会。 ● invite sb. to sp. e. g. Daming invites Tony to the cinema. 大明邀请托尼去看电影。 ● invitation(n. ) send an invitation to sb. 对某人发出邀请

5. ask v. 请求 ● ask sb. to do sth. e. g. Tony asks Daming to go to a baske tball match. 托尼叫大明一起去看篮球赛。

6. have v. 有 ● have lessons上课 ● have a rest 休息 ● have a look at sth. 看看... ● have dinner 吃饭 ● have a good time 玩的开心 ● have a break 课间休息 ● have a party 举办聚会 e. g. We have three lessons in the morni ng. 我们早上有三节课。 At eleven o'clock,we have a break and I talk with my friends. 11点我们课间休息,我和我的朋友们聊 天。 In the evening,we watch TV and have dinner. I do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock. 晚上,我们看电视并且吃晚饭。我做作业 然后十点上床睡觉。

7. send v. 发送 ● send sb sth(send sth. to sb. ) e. g. We usually send him a birthday car d. 我们经常送给他一张生日卡片。

8. make v. 制作。 ● make sth. for sb. e. g. And we often make a cake for his bi rthday. 我们经常为他的生日做一个生日蛋糕。 ● make travel plans on the Internet e. g. Do you often make travel plans on t he Internet? 你们经常在网上制定旅游计划么? ● make a trip to the zoo e. g. Let's make a trip to the zoo. 让我们一起去动物园吧。

9. like v. 喜欢 ● like doing sth. e. g. Daming's uncle likes reading and h e reads a lot of books. 大明的叔叔喜欢阅读,并且他经常读很多 书。 ● would like sth/to do sth. e. g. Would you like to go to the cinema with Betty and me? 你愿意跟我和贝蒂一起去电影院么? Would you like some tea? 你想来点茶叶么?

10. talk v. 谈话 ● talk to (with) sb. e. g. I often talk to my friends on the pho ne. 我经常跟我的朋友打电话。 ● talk about sth. e. g. I often talk about our favorite singe rs with my best friends after school. 我经常在课后跟我最要好的朋友们谈论我 们喜欢的歌星。

11. stay v. 停留 ● stay at home e. g. Let's stay at home and watch TV. 让我们留在家里看电视。 ● stay healthy e. g. Mr. and Mrs. Brown do lots of sport s and stay healthy. 布朗先生和布朗太太做很多运动,保持健 康。

12. visit v. 参观 ● visit sb/sp. e. g. Welcome to Beijing Zoo. Sixteen th ousand people visit it every year. 欢迎来到北京动物园。每年有16000人在 此参观。

三. 情态动词can 情态动词特点: 1)后面加动词原型。

2)否定句和疑问句不需要借助助动词构成 。 e. g. I can play basketball. Can you? 我会打篮球,你会么? That can't be our teacher:our teacher i s in her office right now. 那不会是我们老师,我们的老师现在正在 办公室呢。

动词练习 一. 用适当的介词填空。 1. Can you match the words _______ the pictures? 2. Let's welcome the foreign friends ____ ___ our country. 3. I want to invite my sister ______ my ho me. 4. Let's have a party and I will send lots of invitations __ my friends. 5. Can I have a look ___________ your ne w watch?

6. It's Father's Day tomorrow, and I will send a present _____ my father. 7. Can you make a cake _____ me? 8. My parents always buy a birthday cak e _____ me ____ my birthday. 9. She usually buys CD _____ her favorit e singers. 10. I often talk __ my mother on the pho ne.

11. Let's stay _____ home and watch TV. 12. I usually download music _____ the I nternet. 13. I am a writer and I write my novels _ ______ my computers. 14. I listen _____ music every day. 15. The polar bear comes ______ the Arc tic.

16. He often writes _____ his friends. 17. Every day I often talk_____ my parent s_____ the interesting things in school. 18. On my birthday, I get lots of present s _____ my family and friends. 19. Who switch______ the lights? It's so dark in the room, let me switch them

二、用所给动词适当形式填空。 1. Daming ________ (be) in Class Two. 2. Lingling and Daming _____ (be) good f riends. 3. Lingling with Daming _____ (be) at sc hool now. 4. He can ____ (speak) English. 5. We can _____ (play) basketball and __ ____ (swim).

6. Tony _____ (ride) a bike to school ever y day. 7. Lucy and Lily sometimes _____ (do) th eir homework at school. 8. I want _____ (invite) Lily ____ (see)a fil m with me after class. 9. I ask my mother _____ (choose) a boo k for me. 10. What about _____ ( have ) a birthday party?

11. He likes ________ (play) computer ga mes and __ (play) cards at weekends. 12. Let Lingling ______ (watch) TV with me, please. 13. How about______ (go) swimming on Sunday? 14. I would like _____ (have) dinner with you tomorrow. 15. Let's go and ______ (see) a panda.

三、时态填空。 1. We often _______ (play) in the playgro und. 2. He _____ (get) up at six o'clock. 3. _____ you _____ (brush) your teeth eve ry morning. 4. What ________ (do) he usually______ (d o) after school? 5. Danny _____ (study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.

6. Mike sometimes _____ (go) to the par k with his sister. 7. At eight at night, she _____ (watch) TV with his parents. 8. _____ Mike ______ (read) English every day? 9. How many lessons ____ your classma te _____ (have) on Monday? 10. What time _____ his mother _____ (do ) the housework?

四. 按要求修改句子。 1. Do you often play basketball after sch ool? (肯定回答) 2. I have a lot of books. (改为否定句) 3. Betty's mother likes playing table ten nis. (改为否定句) 4. She lives in a town near New York. ( 改为一般疑问句) 5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问 句)

6. Tom has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句) 7. We have Chinese lessons in the after noon. (否定句) 8. Nancy doesn't run fast. (肯定句) 9. My dog runs fast. 否定句 10. Mike has two letters for him. 一般疑问句: 否定句:

练习参考答案: 一、用适当的介词填空。 1. with 2. to 3. to 4. to 5. at 6. to 7. for 8. for, on 9. by 10. to(with) ll. at 12.
第1个回答  2014-09-27
第2个回答  2014-09-27
第3个回答  2014-09-27
要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u),字母的正确占格及单词间距。
be动词有三种变形,分别是:am, is, are。记忆口诀:
“我”用am, “你”用are, is用于“他、她、它”;单数全都用is,复数全部都用are。
1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。
2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria。
3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it。
4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their。
5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs。
6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred,one hundred and one。
1)一般情况直接在词尾加“-s ”,如:cake-cakes, bag-bags, day-days, face-faces, orange-oranges等;
2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的词,要在词尾加“-es ”,如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes等;
3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加“-es ”,如:baby-babies, country-countries, family-families等;
4)部分以f (e)结尾的词,变f (e)为“ves ”,如:knife-knives, half-halves等;
5)以o结尾的词,加“-s ”或“-es ”,如:zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes等。记忆口诀:除了“英雄”hero外,凡是能吃的,加“-es ”,不能吃的加“-s ”。
1)改变单数名词中的元音字母:man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth等;
2)单、复同形:sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese等;
3)其他形式:mouse-mice, child-children等。
1)一般动词在词尾加“-s ”,如:like-likes, tell-tells, play-plays等;
2)以字母s, x,ch, sh结尾的动词加“-es ”,如:guess-guesses, teach-teaches, watch-watches等;
3)以o结尾的动词一般加“-es ”,如:do-does, go-goes等;
4)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加“-而是”,如:fly-flies, carry-carries等;
冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a, an)两种。
2、不定冠词a, an用来表明(可数)名词的数量是“一个”。an用于以元音开头(注意不是以元音字母开头)的单词前,a则英语非元音开头的单词前。
3、不定冠词a, an与基数词one的区别是:不定冠词不是刻意强调“数量”,而基数词则强调“数量”。
九、助动词(do, does )的用法
eg : I like English a lot.
Michael likes Chinese food very much.
Kangkang likes math.----Kangkang doesn't like math.
They like sports.------They don't like sports.
Michael likes Chinese Food.----Does Michael like Chinese food? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.
Jane and Helen like music.----Do Jand and Helen like music? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.
1、Kangkang's books;Tom and Helen's desk; Ann's and Maria's bikes;
2、用of表示“......的”,但要从of后往of前翻译:a book of mine(我的一本书)
I have a new bike. She has two big eyes.
a door of the house
1、Unit 1 ——Unit 2
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
How are you?---Just OK, thank you. How are you?---Not bad, thanks.
Hi! Hello!
How do you do?
Nice/ Glad to meet/ see you.(meet用于初次见面,see用于熟人间)
Nice to meet/ see you, too.
Goodbye. Byebye. Bye. See you (later/ tomorrow/ next time)! So long! Good night!
3)介绍人或者物的句型:This is...
4)Excuse me.与I'm sorry.的区别:
Excuse me.是要引起对方的注意,而I'm sorry.则是向对方道歉。
5)词组be from = come from
in English
5)当问句中问到this/ that时,回答要用it;问到these/ those时,要用they来回答。 例如: What's this in English?----It's an eraser.
What are those?----They are books.
6)对Thanks.的回答:That's OK./ You're welcome./ My pleasur.
7)look the same = have the same looks
give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.
be like = look like
in the tree/ on the tree (树上结的、长出来的用on,否则用in)
in red(穿着红色的衣服)
in the desk(在空间范围之内)
in English(用英语)
help sb. do sth.
2、Unit 3——Unit 4
help sb. with sth.(帮助某人做/补习......)
want to do sth.(想要做某事)
would like to do sth.
not...at all(一点都不);Not at all.(没关系/别介意)
like...a lot = like...very much
I have some money.
I don't have any money.
Do you have any money?
3)have a seat = take a seat(请随便坐)
Don't go there!
What does sb. do?
What is sb.?
What's sb.'s job?
work是未必有报酬的“工作”,例如homework, housework;而job则一定是有报酬的“工作”。
on the desk/ wall/ farm/ playground
8)in hospital(住院);in the hospital(在医院里)
look after(照料/照顾/照看)
help oneself(请自便/随便吃)
What about (doing) sth.? (英式英语)
How about (doing) sth.? (美式英语)
Why don't you do sth.? = Why not do sth.?
10)“吃”一日三餐要用have:have breakfast/ lunch/ supper
have...for breakfast/ lunch/ supper
take one's order
be kind to sb.
11)try on这个词组可合可分:名词可以放在这个词组的中间或后面,但代词只能放在词组的中间。
13)how many与how much的区别:
how many + 可数名词;how much + 不可数名词
14)What do you think of...? 是询问对方对某事物的看法;
How do you like...? 是问对方对某事物喜欢的程度。
think about(考虑)
Thank you all the same. (即使对方没能帮上忙,也要礼貌道谢)
Thanks. = Thank you.(thank作为动词,不能单独使用。)
Ann :I have a yellow bag.
Jane :I have a green one.

Tom : Hey, Mike. Where is your bike?
Mike : Look, it's over there.
Here you are.
Here it is.
17)be free (有空/免费)
forget to do sth.(忘了去做某事)
forget doing sth.(忘了做过某事)
What's up? = What's wrong with...? = What's the matter with...?
18)go + v.-ing结构的含义:为了实现某目的才去的。例如:
go fishing/ boating/ swimming/ shopping等
19)have to do sth.(非主观因素,强调客观因素,“不得不去做某事”)
must 则表示主观愿望
20)fly a kite = fly kites
be free = have time
8:23——twenty-three past eight
8:49——eleven to nine
8:23——eight twenty-three; 8:49——eight forty-nine
整点则在数词后加“-o'clock”,例如:8:00——eight o'clock
22)句型“该干某事了。”:It's time to do sth. = It's time for sth.
It's time to have lunch. = It's time for lunch.
