

Japanese people have such little household a map is issued each Ward area "disaster shelter" map, which indicates the region in case of floods, typhoons, landslides, tsunami and typhoon shelter when.
Japanese are also very unique home furnishings. Almost no Japanese bedroom furniture, bedding and so on in the closet, closets are horizontal sliding door. In addition to space-saving horizontal sliding doors, there is a feature of the earthquake shaking will not automatically open, resulting in the things which kept sliding out of wounding. Comparison of Japanese families in general as much as possible the heavy furniture to the ceiling support, it can not support the above plus a retractable support feet, and ceilings as a whole, to avoid the earthquake collapse. Japanese car trunk generally have a "disaster box "which is some dry food, drinking water, flashlight, first aid kit or something.
Japanese government has a prime minister as president of the permanent organization called "Central Disaster Prevention Council", referred to as "the anti-meeting", members include all cabinet ministers with the Bank of Japan President, Japanese Red Cross President, Japan Broadcasting Association ( NHK) President of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) There are four Disaster president of the academic authority. This meeting is specifically responsible for developing the country" accident prevention plan and review the list of these important issues related to disaster prevention. "The anti-meeting" consists of a "special investigation will" provide a variety of materials for the meeting.May 14, the special investigation will be published an updated information on the occurrence of large earthquakes in Japan may be the damage was estimated. Two days before the publication of the report occurred in Sichuan, China magnitude 8 earthquake, killing six million people died (as of press time) of the tragedy. The report has attracted the attention of the Japanese.
The report estimates the Osaka Prefecture in north-south longitudinal upper 42 km-long fault and in Aichi town 51 kilometers west of the apes cast for up to a fault in the winter noon Takahama 7.6 magnitude earthquake occurred in the case of the possible consequences. Report occurred in Osaka, "Kinki earthquake" in the case of the death toll could reach four million people, 970,000 houses collapsed, accounting for 82% of the total number of buildings, causing direct economic losses of 74 trillion yen (about $ 740,000,000,000 ), while the Japanese government annual budget less than 90 trillion yen.Occurred in Aichi Prefecture, "the central earthquake" direct victim is killed 3 million houses collapsed buildings accounted for 76% of the total economic loss of 33 trillion yen (about 330 billion U.S. dollars). In addition to these direct economic loss outside the network is damaged due to transportation, logistics and economic losses caused by barrier were 3.4 trillion yen and 3.9 trillion yen. 550 million people were refugees and 250 million people there, just along the water, electric life line Kinki recovery will have to spend 4.4 trillion yen.The report did not include estimates of expected to occur in the Kanto region, "Tokai earthquake", but the first few years of the Capital earthquake death toll estimate is 11,000, the direct economic loss of 106 trillion yen (about one trillion U.S. dollars).
This estimate is worth noting that the report places the number of deaths and economic losses directly to the figures. Tokyo earthquake economic losses although the largest, but the number of deaths down but the lowest. This is because the concentration of all the Tokyo area, the central departments, and most of the headquarters of large enterprises, which are earthquake countermeasures in Japan where the implementation of the best sake. This has fully demonstrated the importance of disaster prevention.
Japan disaster prevention awareness is indeed very strong, this is because too many disasters in Japan sake. As we all know Japan is earthquake-prone countries, it is because there are four plates, the Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, North American plate and the Philippine plate in the Earth total area covers an area of ​​only 0.25% of the tiny intersection between plates Movement makes the Japanese archipelago as in the cradle, like constantly shaking. Japanese people have a saying four most dangerous thing is the earthquake, fire, thunder, Daddy, which the earthquake the first place.Light of the 20th century attacked the Japanese archipelago, the number of deaths caused by the earthquake in more than a thousand people there 10 times, including the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 caused 10 million people, respectively, and 6,400 deaths large earthquake. In addition to the earthquake, the Japanese common natural disasters, there are typhoons, tsunamis, storms, volcanic eruptions, often causing massive loss of life and property, such as Ise Bay in 1959 typhoon caused 5,000 people to death. Therefore, a strong sense of Japanese disaster prevention.
Japan first established in 1947, the Ministry of Disaster, <Disaster Relief Act> provides in the event of natural disasters how to coordinate the central government and between local governments in the rescue of the victims, the victims aspects of resettlement services, facilities, equipment, supplies and financial operations. 1920, 1950, in turn mainly on urban development planning, <Urban Land Buildings Act> to <Building Standards Law> its focus to protecting people lives, property and health, become a building site, construction, equipment and purposes must meet the "minimum benchmark."
Ise Bay typhoon disasters in the Japanese more aware of the "disaster" than "disaster relief "is more important. 1961, developed a "Disaster Countermeasures Basic Law", established the system of central and local disaster prevention and j defined responsibilities. Provides for the legal status of disaster preparedness plan must be developed around, disaster relief plan and confirm the fiscal and financial measures, was the beginning of a planned readiness and promote the so-called "disaster prevention".
Historical data from the study found that large earthquakes generally have a so-called cycle of seven years, so that attacked Tokyo in 1923, claimed 10 million lives in the Great Kanto Earthquake will not return to Japan became worried about things, so introduced in 1978 a massive earthquake earthquake countermeasure special law renew, in particular law provides for a possible large-scale earthquake in the specified areas for earthquake disaster prevention measures to strengthen regional, provides hospitals, department stores, hotels and theaters such personnel access to more places,Engaged in oil, high pressure gas, gunpowder and other industry companies, and railway passenger transport services must develop their own "Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Emergency Plan", all localities must ensure that the earthquake evacuation routes and shelters.
Natural disasters, shelters are not simply assign a random place on the line, but the local administration established by the Conference under the disaster preparedness plans set by the local administration and management of joint operations with the Red Cross, usually to reserve a certain disaster supplies (the so-called "disaster Warehouse") in place. Generally cater to all parts of the public school a haven for natural disasters.This is because the schools have sports facilities that can accommodate more refugees; school and have a buffer zone around the building, which can prevent the spread of fire to natural disasters; more importantly, public school construction costs from the Government Budget, more comfortable, and usually in public schools under the management of local government.