

1、装备双—双手武器(Equip 2 x 2 Hander)
原文:This is a simple macro for when your Titan's Grip specced that will equip both your 2h weapons in the right hand again even if you have a shield or another weapon set equiped. You will have to fill in the appropriate places with the name of your weapons.

/equipslot 16 [主手武器名称]
/equipslot 17 [副手武器名称]

2、一键切战斗姿态、冲锋/压制(One Key Battle Stance/Charge/Overpower)
原文:Goes Battle if not already, Charges if out of combat, and tries to Overpower when in combat. Replaces 3 buttons perfectly... It's a rare double-ability macro in that it cannot "screw up" what you intended to do, as the range and combat state differences are both mutually exclusive circumstances and both strictly require Battle Stance. Also acts as regular Battle Stance key with 1 push.


/cast [nostance:1] 战斗姿态; [nocombat] 冲锋; 压制

3、盾墙(Shield Wall)
原文:Uses Shield Wall if you are in Defensive Stance and have a shield equiped. If you are not in Defensive Stance it will switch you to Defensive and equip a one hander and shield of your choosing (Fill in the brackets with the name of your equipment.

#showtooltip 盾墙
/cast [stance:2,equipped:盾牌] 盾墙; [stance:1/3] 防御姿态
/stopmacro [equipped:盾牌]
/equip 你的单手武器
/equip 你的盾牌

4、反击风暴/鲁莽/盾墙(Retaliation/Recklessness/Shield Wall)
原文:Simple macro to save keybinding space, one key that uses any of your "Big" cooldowns in their respective stances.

/cast [stance:1] 反击风暴; [stance:2] 盾墙; [stance:3] 鲁莽

5、开关大风车(利刃风暴)(Bladestorm Start/End)
原文:Casts bladestorm on first use, cancel's it on second. Useful to avoid CC or get a clutch Pummel or Execute.

#showtooltip 利刃风暴
/cancelaura 利刃风暴
/cast 利刃风暴

6、防御剑盾(Defensive/Sword and Board)
原文:Quickly shifts to Defensive Stance and equips your sword and shield.


/cast [stance:1/3] 防御姿态
/equip 你的单手武器
/equip 你的盾牌

7、切狂暴换双手(Berserker/2 Hander)
原文:Quickly shifts back to Berserker Stance and equips your 2 handed weapon.


/cast [stance:1/2] 狂暴姿态
/equip [你的双手武器名称]

原文:Allows you to Intervene a friendly player without losing your target. You can also Intervene with the same button just by targeting who you want to Intervene.


/cast [nostance:2] 防御姿态; [help] 援护; [target=targettarget, help] 援护

9、拦截/拦截焦点(Intercept/Intercept Focus)
原文:Intercepts your target. If used in combination with the shift key it will Intercept your Focus target.


#showtooltip 拦截
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] 拦截; 拦截

原文:If you are in combat this will ensure you are in Berseker stance and intercept. If you are out of combat it will ensure you are in Battle stance and charge. The icon will change to whatever skill is to be used.


#show [combat] 拦截;冲锋
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] 狂暴姿态; [stance:3,combat] 拦截; [stance:2/3,nocombat] 战斗姿态; [stance:1,nocombat] 冲锋

11、冲锋/拦截加断筋(Charge/Intercept Hamstring)
原文:Charges if you are out of combat and intercepts if you are in combat. Tapping the same button after a charge/intercept will hamstring your target.


#show [combat] 拦截; 冲锋
/cast [nocombat,stance:1] 冲锋; [combat,stance:3] 拦截; [nocombat,nostance:1] 战斗姿态; [combat,nostance:3] 狂暴姿态
/cast [stance:1/3] 断筋

12、轻松压制(Easy Overpower)
原文:Switch to Battle stance and overpower with one click. Shows the overpower cooldown.


#showtooltip 压制
/cast [stance:1] 压制; 战斗姿态

13、一键切换姿态(Single Button Stances)
原文:Will switch between battle and berserker stance. Will switch to defensive stance if Alt clicked.


/cast [modifier:alt,nostance:2] 防御姿态; [stance:1] 狂暴姿态; 战斗姿态

原文:First click - Casts intimidating shout. Second click - Bandages yourself. Third Click - Retargets your feared target.


/cast 破胆怒吼
/use [target=player] 厚灵纹布绷带

15、自我治疗(Self Healing)
原文:First click - Casts last stand. Second click - Uses your healthstone (if you have one). Third Click - drinks a health potion (if you have one).


/castsequence reset=600 破釜沉舟,极效治疗石,极效治疗药水

16、拳击/盾击(Pummel/Shield Bash)
原文:Will shift you to Berserker Stance for a Pummel if you have a 2H equipped. If you have a 1H and Shield, it will shift you to Battle or Defensive for a Shield Bash.


/cast [equipped:盾牌, stance:1/2] 盾击; [noequipped:盾牌, stance:1/2] 狂暴姿态; [stance: 3] 拳击

17、法术反射(Spell Reflection)
原文:Switches to Shield+1h, shifts you to correct stance and casts Spell Reflection. Must fill the names of your OWN equipment. Note: Will not switch you to Defensive Stance if you are in Battle, since Spell Reflection is usable in Battle. Need to switch to Defensive manually if your getting Focus Fired.


#showtooltip 法术反射
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:盾牌] 法术反射; [stance:3] 防御姿态
/stopmacro [equipped: 盾牌]
/equip 你的单手武器
/equip 你的盾牌

18、盾反并切回狂暴(Spell Reflection and Back To Berseker)
原文:Press normally to flip into Defensive stance and equip your 1 handed sword and shield (Replace with the names of your weapons) and cast Spell Reflect. Hold any modifier key (alt/ctrl/shift) and hit the marcro to flip back into Berserker Stance with your 2 Hander.


/cast [stance:1/3, nomodifier:alt/ctrl/shift] 防御姿态
/cast [modifier:alt/ctrl/shift] 狂暴姿态
/equip [modifier:alt/ctrl/shift] 你的双手武器; 你的单手武器
/equip [nomodifier:alt/ctrl/shift] 你的盾牌
/cast [nomodifier:alt/ctrl/shift] 法术反射

原文:If you're in Defensive stance it will Disarm your target. If you are not in Defensive stance it will switch stances and another press will Disarm.


#showtooltip 缴械
/cast [stance:2] 缴械; [stance:1/3] 防御姿态

20、斩杀/英勇打击(Execute/Heroic Strike)
原文:Will always try to Execute. If execute is not available it will use Heroic Strike.


/cast 斩杀
/cast 英勇打击

第1个回答  2011-06-20
NGA 178 多玩多的是