英文简历工作经历翻译 1 张江保税TSS日常出库,进库,核销所有单证的操作和整个流程。 2 联系浦东海关报关

1 张江保税TSS日常出库,进库,核销所有单证的操作和整个流程。 2 联系浦东海关报关组和机场海关报关组的同事,及时与内部部门的沟通,和客户的沟通与交流。 3 接受 发送来自国外客户的邮件 4 每月制作海关报表和仓库明细表, 客户的每月费用账单的制作 5 对仓库货物库存的盘库 这个才是问题...

1 day out of Zhangjiang bonded TSS library into the library, write off all the documents the operation and the entire process.
2 links Pudong Airport Customs Customs group and group colleagues, timely communication with internal departments, and customer communication and exchanges.
2 links Pudong Airport Customs Customs group and group colleagues, timely communication with internal departments, and customer communication and exchanges.
3 clients to receive mail sent from abroad 4 monthly production reports and customs warehouse schedules, bills the customer's monthly cost of goods produced five pairs of warehouse inventory stocktaking this is the problem ...
3 receives the message sent from foreign customers
4 monthly statements and make customs warehouse schedules, bills the customer's monthly cost of the production
5.Warehouse inventory stocktaking of goods this is the problem ...