



Party a hereby appoints party b as music teacher, hire a years time, time for 2011 years June 1, 2012, to July 15 (because the Chinese New Year holidays, postpone two weeks), specific service time for every Saturday at 8:30 points to 16:30 points
Party a's rights and obligations:
In the party b guarantees that normal attendance, party a monthly pay party b monthly pay 1500 yuan;
Party a, party b on time every month 20 issue of last month salary;
Party a shall have the right to put forward reasonable opinion and modify course;
Party b class from suzhou to kunshan from high iron by party a is responsible for tickets to submit an expense account;

Party b of the right obligation:
Party b accepts the daily management of party a and go to work time;
Do every class, preparing to class, ensure the quality of class;
If party b is sick or leave a week to party a in advance, leave, so that party a, party b can do some arrangement will take off course for next Sunday together, if really can't make up missed lesson, deduct wages is that day;
According to party a member, party b can class every day demand for a maximum of four class (including), each day course 45 minutes.

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If the contract expires, the two parties need to continue or to terminate the contract, should be in two months before the contract expires consensus;
If before the contract expires, unilaterally terminate the contract, need to give two months written tell the nondefaulting party, or should be pay liquidated damages to the other party 3000 yuan.
This contract is composed by Chinese and English version, if not two consistent or have ambiguity, the Chinese version shall prevail.
第1个回答  2011-06-26
Party A Party B for the music class teacher to hire, hire time of year, time for the June 1, 2011 to July 15, 2012 (due to Chinese New Year holiday, extended two weeks), the specific service time Saturday at 8:30 am to 16:30 pm
Party's rights and obligations:
Ensure regular attendance in the case of Party B, Party A pay Party B a monthly salary 1500 yuan;
Party B paid on time every month 20 month's salary;
Party the right to modify the curriculum and make reasonable comments;
To class B from Suzhou, Kunshan and from the high-speed rail tickets by the Party responsible for reimbursement;

Rights obligations of Party B:
Party A Party B to accept the daily management and working hours;
Good lesson preparation before each lesson, after class work to ensure that school quality;
B, such as illness or leave, one week in advance to leave the Party in order to make the necessary arrangements Party, Party B can leave the program next Sunday filled, if it can not make up classes, pay day will be deducted;
According to the demand for Party membership, class B up to 4 lessons per day (inclusive), each lesson 45 minutes.

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If the contract expires, both sides need to continue or terminate the contract, two months before the expiration of the contract should be agreed;
If the contract expires before the unilateral termination of the contract, two months in advance in writing inform the observant, or else pay a penalty should be observant 3,000.
This contract by the Chinese and English versions, such as inconsistent or ambiguous, the Chinese version shall prevail.
第2个回答  2011-06-22
