
2,搬椅子围成圆圈, 不要托拽,轻拿轻放。回到自己的座位上坐好。
9, 请躺下睡觉。
10 起床了,请叠被子,收拾床铺。
11 不要在教室里跑,跳,爬, 尖叫,追赶打闹。请安静地走。
12 不要抢别人的玩具。有问题请报告老师。

1. Please be seated. Do not talk. And keep quiet. Please place the toys and articles back.
2. Place your chairs in a circle. Do not drag them. Please be gentle. Then go back to your seats.
3. Let's go to the outside for some activities.
4. Tidy up your desks.
5. Now it's recess time. You can go to the restroom (bathroom) and wash your hands.
6. Greet your friends and teachers when you meet them. And say "goodbye" when you leave.
7. Say "thank you" when you get help from others.
8. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your mouth after you eat.
9. It's time to lie down in bed for a nap (sleep).
10. (It's) Time to get up. Please make your bed.
11. Do not run around in the classroom. No running, climbing, shouting and chasing. Please walk quietly.
12. Do not take toys away from others. Talk to the teacher if you have questions.
第1个回答  2011-07-18
1.Please sit well,No talking,Keep quiet.Toys and things back in its place.
2.Move the chair a circle ", do not ye, gentle with,back to your seat and sit well.
3.When you movement,please go out of the classroom
4.Clean your desk
5.Toilet urine, wash your hands
6.When you see teachers and children please say "hello",when you farewell please say"goodbye".
7.Please say"thank you" when you get oothers' helps.
8.Wash your hands before eat,please gargle after eat
9.Please lie down and sleep.
10.While it is time to up, please fold the quilt and chean the bed.
11.Don't running in the classroom, jumping, and climbing, screaming, and chased scenes. Please walk quietly.
12.Don't rob others' toys. If you have problems, please report the teacher.
第2个回答  2011-07-18
1, please sit down, don't talk to keep quiet. Hand toys and stuff back.

2, to move the chair to form a circle, do not drag, handle with care. Back to his seat and sit down.

3, to outside classroom activities

4, clean your desk

5, the toilet toilet, wash your hands

6 saw the teacher and child please say hello, goodbye say goodbye.

7, get someone to help please say thank you.

8, wash hands before meals, mouthwash after meals.

9, please lie down and sleep.

10 get up, please fold the quilt, bed.

11 not in the classroom to run, jump, climb, scream, chase slapstick. Please walk quietly.

12 don't steal the toys. Any problems please report to a teacher.