现在非常需要这些英语翻译 谢谢了 帮帮忙吧


第1个回答  2011-07-25
How can I get to Beijing University?
Which is the way to Beijing University?
across from
The post office is across from the hospital
at the corner of
Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?
Go straight along this road and you will get there
The teaching office is on your left hand side
along。。。about 。。。away
My home is ten kilometers away from school
take the No。1 bus
The No 2bus will take you there
The library is about two kilometers away from here you need to take the No 708 bus
thousands and thousands of people
get hurt
第2个回答  2011-07-25
How can I get to Beijing University?
That is the way to Beijing University?
on the opposite of
The post office is across from the hospital
at the corner of
Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?
Go straight along this road and you will get there
The teaching building is on your left hand side
along。。。about 。。。away
My home is ten kilometers away from school
take the No.1 bus
The No 2bus will take you there
The library is about two kilometers away from here you need to take the No 708 bus
thousands and thousands of people
get hurt本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-07-25
how can i get to the beijing university
which way is going to the beijing university
on the opposite
post office is on the opposite of hospital
in the corner
could you tell me how to get to the super market
you go along this road until you get there
teaching building is left-hand
......from somewhere
it's ten kilometers from my home to school
taking no.1 bus
no.2 bus can take you to where you want to
library is about two kilometers from here,you need to take no.708 bus
thousands of people
be injured