

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-01
引号Quotation Marks(“”‘’)
引号分单引号(single quotation marks) 和双引号(double quotation marks) 。单引号只用在一个直接引语中所含有的另一个直接引语上。
1. 表示直接引语。当直接引语超过四行或多于40 个字词时, 一般不用引号而改用黑体字以便与文章的其它部分界线清晰
“Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ”
句号和逗号必须置于引号(双引号和单引号) 之内。
He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words.
She called this schedule of activities her “load ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep.
The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”?
Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”?
Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?”
The frightened girl screamed, “Help”!
The fellow only said, “Sorry!”
He interrupted me, “Now, listen”——and went on saying.
问号、感叹号和破折号有时置于引号之内, 有时置于外号之外。如果所引内容本身是疑问句或感叹句或带有破折号, 问号、感叹号或破折号一般放在引号之内。否则,放在引号之外。本回答被提问者采纳