第1个回答 2007-07-04
liu hao 男,1988年出生,汉族,籍贯:重庆市 (liu hao male, in 1988 was born, Han Nationality, native place: Chongqing)1995年至2001年在四川省内江市第6小学读书,2001年至2007年就读于四川省内江市第六中学.(Studied from 1995 to 2001 in the Sichuan Neijiang 6th elementary school, went study from 2001 to 2007 in the Sichuan Neijiang sixth middle school.)在校期间,学习努力,乐于助人.且性格开朗,爱好广泛.素描,色彩均过5级,喜欢篮球,网球,乒乓球等运动.(In school period, the study diligently, is glad helps the human. Also is cheerful, the hobby is widespread. The sketch, the color crosses 5 levels, likes the basketball, the tennis, movements and so on ping pong.)本人系高2007级应届高中毕业生,高考中取得了超省重点线的优异成绩.(Myself was the high 2007 level of graduating high school students, in the college entrance examination have obtained the ultra province heavy line between two points excellent result)---全文:liu hao male, in 1988 was born, Han Nationality, native place: Chongqing
studied from 1995 to 2001 in the Sichuan Neijiang 6th elementary school, went study from 2001 to 2007 in the Sichuan Neijiang sixth middle school.
In school period, the study diligently, is glad helps the human. Also is cheerful, the hobby is widespread. The sketch, the color crosses 5 levels, likes the basketball, the tennis, movements and so on ping pong.
Myself was the high 2007 level of graduating high school students, in the college entrance examination have obtained the ultra province heavy line between two points excellent result.本回答被网友采纳