

1. What’s your name?How old are you?
2. Could you introduce yourself?
3. What’s your school’s name and what grades are you in? Which grade would you like to apply?
4. Why you choose our school? / how do you know our school?/Do you apply our school by yourself? /Who helps you submit your application?
A: I have planned to go to America to continue my high school study since 2007(two thousand seven). One of my teacher recommends your school for me. My father also gives me some suggestions in choosing schools. I visited your school website. From your school website ,I know that your school established in ……..( I know that your school has a long history. )
5. What do you know about our school? Did you visit our school’s website?
6. Tell me something about your course, what’s your favorite subject?
7. What course (subject)have been most difficult or challenging for you?
8. Do you like your high school?
9. Who is your favorite teacher? And why?
10. What kind of book or movie do you like?
11. Do you have any extracurricular activity experience?
12. What major do you want to study when you be in college?
13. What do you like to do when you are free(when you have leisure time)?
14. Do you have any relatives or friends in USA?
15. Why do you want to study in America?
16. What sports do you like best? What’s your favourite sport?
17. Have you been to America? Which state (city) have you visited?
18. Could you introduce your family members ?How many people are there in your family?
19. What does your father do? What’s your father’s job?
20. What do you think about your English level(spoken English, reading English, writing English)?
21. Who is the most important people in your life ? Who influences you deeply?
22. Did you apply other schools except our school? What are they?
第1个回答  2015-11-18
关于高中面试的问题(Question About High School)
1) How do you know the XXX School你是怎么知道XXX学校的? 2) What do you know of XXX School关于XXX学校你都了解些什么?
3) Which grade are you in now Which grade will you take in our school你现在在哪个年级?准备加入我们学校的哪个年级?
4) 哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要?(What are your most important criteria in looking at High School)
5你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么?为什么想来这所学校念书?(What is of the most interest to you about our school Why do you want to attend this particular High School) 6)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare time)
7)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?(What did you like most about our school’s Academy)
8) Do you think what contributions you will make for the XXX School?你会为学校做出什么贡献?
9) What will you bring for the XXX School 你能为学校带来什么?
10你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think your major will be in college) 11)你将来选择的事业目标是什么?(What are your future career goal) 12)你还申请了哪所学校?(What other schools are you considering) 13)我们为什么该录取你 (Why should we accept you)
14) What will you do after you graduate from the High School你高中毕业之后想要做什么? 15) Where is your dream University What will you do for your dreams你梦想的大学是什么?你会为你的梦想做出什么努力?
16) What is your plan for your future life and Career你对今后的学习和生活有什么安排? 17) 有什么问题吗?(What questions do you have about XXX School) 18) Do you have any expectations from XXX School?你对学校有什么期望?
第2个回答  2011-05-19
第3个回答  2019-05-10