我想知道用英语怎样说呀 关于羽毛球的比赛规则

羽毛球的比赛规则 但是要有英文的意思 我想要英文的资料可以吗 ?麻烦大家了 谢谢


Change the server, alternate in serving:换发球;change courts:交换场地

change service courts:互换左右发球区,互换方位

choice of court ends or service:选择场地或发球权

odd number of points:单数分数;even number of points:双数分数

order of service:发球次序;"Love all ,play!" :“零比零,开始比赛!”

"Set 2 points!" :“再赛两分!”;Ace, service ace:发球得分


receiving side:接发球一方;second server:(旧规则的双打)第二发球

"Service over!" :(单打)换发球


racket head above the hand:拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)

serving above the waist:高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)

serve from the wrong-service court:发球站错方位

short :(发球时的)短球;touch the net:触网;unclean hit:有拖带动作的击球

double hit:连击;fault:①失误②犯规;faulty serving:发球违例

foul hit:击球犯规;out of position:站错位;good return:合法还击

good service:合法发球;score cancelled:得分无效


1、Right service count:右发球区

羽毛球场成长方形, 发球员的分数为0或双数时,双方运动员均应再各自的右边发球发球或接发球 。

2、Left service court:左发球区


3、choice of court ends or service:选择场地或发球权


4、good return:合法还击


5、alternate courts:交换发球区




7、change court: 交换场地



第1个回答  2019-08-17

racket head above the hand:拍框上沿高于手(发球犯规)。

serving above the waist:高于腰部的发球(发球犯规)。

serve from the wrong-service court:发球站错方位。

short :(发球时的)短球;touch the net:触网;unclean hit:有拖带动作的击球。

double hit:连击;fault:①失误②犯规;faulty serving:发球违例。

foul hit:击球犯规;out of position:站错位;good return:合法还击。

good service:合法发球;score cancelled:得分无效。


1、当双方均为 29 分时,先取得 30 分的一方赢得该局比赛; when the two sides are 29 points, the first 5 points to win the game。

2、一局比赛的获胜方在下一局率先发球;the winning side of a game is the first to serve in the next game。

3、当双方均为 20 分时,领先对方 2 分的一方赢得该局比赛; when the two sides are 20 points, 2 points ahead of the other side to win the game。

4、每回合中,取胜的一方加 1 分; in each round, the winning side and 1 points。


1、good return:合法还击


2、alternate courts:交换发球区













第2个回答  2007-03-25

一 court
1(a) The court shall be a rectangle and laid out as in the following Diagram A (except in the case provided for in paragraph 1(d) of this Law) and to the measurements there shown, and shall be defined preferably by white or yellow lines or, if this is not possible, by other easily distinguishable lines 40mm (1 1/2 inches) wide.

1(b) To show the zone in which a shuttle of correct pace lands when tested (see Law 4(d)), an additional four marks 40mm by 40mm (1 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inches) may be made up as follows:

-inside each side line for singles of the right service court, 530mm (l foot 9 inches) and 990mm (3 feet 3 inches) from the back boundary line.

In making these marks, their width shall be within the measurement given, i.e., the marks will be from 530mm to 570mm (1 foot 9 inches to 1 foot 10 1/ 2 inches) and from 950mm to 990mm (3 feet 1 1/2 inches to 3 feet 3 inches) from the outside of the back boundary line.

1(c)(i) The width 40mm (1 1/2 inches) of the centre lines shall be equally divided between the right and left service courts.

1(c)(ii) The width 40mm (1 1/2 inches) of each of the short service line and the doubles long service line shall fall within the 3.960 metres (13 feet) measurement given as the length of the service court.

1 (c)(iii) The width 40mm (1 1/2 inches) of all other lines shall fall within the measurements given.

1(d) Where space does not permit the marking out of a court for doubles, a court may be marked out for singles only, as shown in Diagram B. The back boundary lines become also the long service lines, and the posts, or the strips of material representing them as referred to in Law 2, shall be placed on the side lines.

二 Posts and Net
The Posts

The posts shall be 1.55 metres (5 feet 1 inch) in height from the surface of the court. They shall be sufficiently firm to keep the net strained as provided in Law 3,and shall be placed on the side boundary lines of the court. Where this is not practicable, some method must be employed for indicating the position of the side boundary line where it passes under the net, e.g., by use of a thin post or strips of material, not less than 40mm (1 1/2 inches) in width, fixed to the side boundary line and rising vertically to the net cord. Where this is in use on a court marked for doubles it shall be placed on the side boundary line of the doubles court irrespective of whether singles or doubles are being played.

The Net

The net shall be made of fine natural cord of artificial fibre of a dark colour and even thickness and not less than 15mm (5/8 inch) and not more than 20mm (3/4 inch) mesh. It shall be firmly stretched from post to post, and shall be 760mm (2 feet 6 inches) in depth. The top of the net shall be 1.524 metres (5 feet) in height from the floor at the centre, and 1.55 metres (5 feet 1 inch) at the posts, and shall be edged with a 75mm (3 inches) white tape doubled and supported by a cord or cable run through the tape and strained over and flush with the top of the posts.

三 Shuttlecock Rules

The shuttle may be made from natural, synthetic or other manufactured product or any of those combinations. The feel on the racket and the flight characteristics, generally, should be similar to those produced by the natural feathered shuttle, which has a cork base covered by a thin layer of leather.

Principles 4.Having regard to the principles:

4(a) General Design4(a)(i) The shuttle shall have 14 to 16 feathers fixed in the base.

4(a)(ii) The feathers can have a variable length from 64mm to 70mm (2 1/2 inches to 2 3/4 inches), but in each shuttle they shall be the same length when measured from the tip to the top of the base.

4(a)(iii) The tips of the feathers shall form a circle with a diameter within a range of 58mm to 68mm (2 1/4 inches to 2 5/8 inches).

4(a)(iv) The feathers shall be fastened firmly with thread or other suitable material.

4(a)(v) The base shall be:

-25mm to 28mm (1 inch to 1 1/8 inches) in diameter

-rounded on the bottom.

4(b) Weight

The shuttle shall weigh from 4.74 to 5.50 grams (73 to 85 grains).

4(c) Non-Feathered Shuttles

4(c)(i) The skirt, or simulation of feathers in synthetic or other manufactured materials, replaces natural feathers.

4(c)(ii) The base is described in paragraph 4(a)(v).

4(c)(iii) Measurements shall be the same as in paragraph 4(a)(i)-(iv). However, because of the difference in the specific gravity and behavior of synthetic and manufactured materials in comparison with feathers, a variation of up to 10 percent in the stated measurements is acceptable.

4(d) Pace and FlightA shuttle shall be deemed to be of correct pace when it is hit by a player with a full underhand stroke from a spot immediately above one back boundary line in a direction parallel to the sidelines and at an upward angle, to fall not less than 530mm (1 foot 9 inches) and not more than 990mm (3 feet 3 inches) short of the other back boundary line.

4(e) Modifications subject to there being no variation in the general design, pace and flight of the shuttle, modifications in the above specifications may be made with the approval of the national organization concerned:

4(e)(i) in places where atmospheric conditions due either to altitude or climate make the standard shuttle unsuitable; or

4(e)(ii) if specific circumstances exist which make it otherwise necessary in the interests of the game.

四 Game Rules:The Racket
4(f)(i) The hitting surface of the racket shall be flat and consist of a pattern of crossed strings connected to a frame and alternatively interlaced or bonded where they cross - and the stringing pattern shall be generally uniform and, in particular, not less dense in the centre than in any other area.

4(f)(ii) The frame of the racket, including the handle, shall not exceed 680mm (26 3/4 inches) in overall length and 230mm (9 1/16 inches) in overall width.

4(f)(iii) The overall length of the head shall not exceed 290mm (11 7/16 inches).

4(f)(iv) The strung surface area shall not exceed 280mm (11 inches) in overall length and 220mm (8 5/8 inches) in overall width.

4(f)(v) The frame, including the handle, and the strings shall be free of attached objects and protrusions, other than those utilized solely and specifically to limit or prevent wear and tear, or vibration, or to distribute weight, or to secure the handle by cord to the playerˇs hand, and which are reasonable in size and placement for such purposes; and shall be free of any device which makes it possible for a player to change materially the shape of the racket.

The International Badminton Federation shall rule on the question of whether any racket or prototype complies with the above specifications or is otherwise approved or not approved for play. Such ruling may be undertaken on its own initiative or upon application by any party with a bona fide interest therein, including any player, equipment manufacturer or National Association or member thereof.

五 The Players,Tossing& Scoring
The Players

5(a) The word "Player" applies to all those taking part in a game.

5(b) The game shall be played, in the case of the doubles game, by two players a side and in the case of the singles game, by one player a side.

5(c) The side for the time being having the right to serve shall be called the "In" side, and the opposing side shall be called the "Out" side.

6.The Toss Before commencing play, the opposing sides shall toss, and the side winning the toss shall have the option of:

(a) Serving first:

(b) Not serving first; or

(c) Choosing ends.

The side losing the toss shall then have choice of any alternative remaining.

7.The Scoring

7(a) The doubles and menˇs singles game consists of 15 points provided that, when the score is 14-all, the side which first reached 14 has the option of "setting" the game to 3. After a game has been "set" the score is called "love-all", and the side which first scores 3 points wins the game. If players choose to "set", the score is no longer called "love-all"; instead the score continues to be called to 17. In either case, the claim to "set" the game must be made before the next service is delivered after the score has reached 14-all.

7(b) The ladiesˇ singles game consists of 11 points. Provided that when the score is "9-all" the player who first reached 9 has the option of "setting" the game to 3, and when the score is "10-all" the player who first reached 10 has the option of "setting" the game to 2 3.

7(c) A side rejecting the option of "setting" at the first opportunity shall not thereby be debarred from "setting" if a second opportunity arises.

7(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above, it is permissible by prior arrangement for only one game to be played and also for this to consist of 21 points, in which case "setting" shall be as for the game of 15 points with scores of 19 and 20 being substituted for 14 respectively.

7(e) In handicap games "setting" is not permitted.

8.The opposing sides shall contest the best of three games, unless otherwise agreed. The players shall change ends at the commencement of the second game and also of the third game (if any). In the third game the players shall change ends when the leading score reaches:

8(a) 8 in a game of 15 points;

8(b) 6 in a game of 11 points;

or in handicap events, when one of the sides has scored half the total number of points required to win the game (the next highest number of points to win the game - the next highest number being taken in case of fractions). When it has been agreed to play only one game the players shall change ends as provided above for the third game. In a game of 21 points, the players shall change ends when the leading score reaches 11 or in handicap games as indicated above.

If, inadvertently, the players omit to change ends as provided in this Law at the score indicated, the ends shall be changed immediately when the mistake is discovered, and the existing score shall stand.

六 Double Play & Single Play

9.Double Play

9(a) It having been decided which side is to have the first service, the player in the right-hand service court of that side commences the game by serving to the player in the service court diagonally opposite. If the latter player returns the shuttle before it touches the ground, it is to be returned by one of the "In" side, and then returned by one of the "Out" side, and so on, till a fault is made or the shuttle ceases to be "in play" (vide paragraph (b)). If a fault is made by the "In" side its right to continue serving is lost, as only one player on the side beginning a game is entitled to do so (vide Law 11), and the opponent in the right-hand service court then becomes the server; but if the service is not returned, or the fault is made by the "Out" side, the "In" side scores a point. The "In" side players then change from one service court to the other, the service now being from the left-hand service court to the player in the service court diagonally opposite. So long as a side remains "In", service is delivered alternately from each service court into the one diagonally opposite, the change being made by the "In" side when, and only when, a point is added to its score.

9(b) The first service of a side in each innings shall be made from the right-hand service court. A "Service" is delivered as soon as the shuttle is struck by the serverˇs racket. The shuttle is thereafter "in play" until it touches the ground, or until a fault or "let" occurs, or except as provided in Law 18. After the service is delivered the server and the player served to may take up any positions they choose on their side of the net, irrespective of boundary lines.


The player served to may alone receive the service, but should the shuttle touch, or be struck by, his partner the "In" side scores a point. No player may receive two consecutive services in the same game, except as provided in Law 12.


Only one player of the side beginning a game shall be entitled to serve in its first innings. In all subsequent innings each partner shall have the right, and they shall serve consecutively. The side winning a game shall always serve first in the next game, but either of the losers may receive the service.


If a player serves out of turn, or from the wrong service court (owing to a mistake as to the service court from which service is at the time being in order), and his side wins the rally, it shall be a "Let", provided that such "Let" be claimed and allowed, or ordered by the umpire, before the next succeeding service is delivered.

If a player of the "Out" side standing in the wrong service court is prepared to receive the service when it is delivered, and his side wins the rally, the mistake shall stand and the playersˇ positions shall not be corrected.

Should a player inadvertently change sides when he should not do so, and the mistake not be discovered until after the next succeeding service has been delivered, the mistake shall stand, and a "Let" cannot be claimed or allowed, and the playersˇ position shall not be corrected.

13. Single Play In singles, Laws 9 to 12 hold good except that:

13(a) The players shall serve from and receive service in their respective right-hand service courts only when the serverˇs score is 0 or an even number of points in the game, the service being delivered from and received in their respective left-hand service courts when the serverˇs score is an odd number of points. Setting does not affect this sequence.13(b) Both players shall change service courts after each point has been scored.


第3个回答  推荐于2016-08-08
1.21 分制,3局2胜为佳
2. 每球得分制
3. 每回合中,取胜的一方加 1 分
4. 当双方均为 20 分时,领先对方 2 分的一方赢得该局比赛
5. 当双方均为 29 分时,先取得 30 分的一方赢得该局比赛
6. 一局比赛的获胜方在下一局率先发球
1.21 points system, 2 3 wins for better
2. each-serve-a-point rule

3. in each round, the winning side and 1 points
4. when the two sides are 20 points, 2 points ahead of the other side to win the game
5. when the two sides are 29 points, the first 5 points to win the game
6. the winning side of a game is the first to serve in the next game
第4个回答  2007-03-25
I'm a boy.