



1. 建立公司或组织

"Establish"可以用来描述建立一个公司或组织的过程。例如,He established his own company last year.(他去年建立了自己的公司。)

2. 建立制度、规章或标准

"Establish"也经常用来描述建立一个制度、规章或标准的过程。例如,The government needs to establish new regulations to protect consumer rights.(政府需要建立新的规章来保护消费者权益。)

3. 建立事实、证据或信誉

"Establish"还可以表示建立某种事实、证据或信誉的过程。例如,The research establishes a clear link between exercise and mental health.(这项研究建立了运动和心理健康之间的明确联系。)

4. 建立联系或联想

"Establish"还可以表示建立某种联系或联想的过程。例如,The writer tries to establish a connection between the two characters in his new book.(这位作家试图建立他新书中两个角色之间的联系。)


1. establish oneself(确立自己的地位)

例如:She has established herself as a successful businesswoman.(她已经确立自己作为一名成功的女商人的地位。)

2. establish a reputation(建立声誉)

例如:The chef has established a reputation for cooking delicious seafood.(这位大厨通过烹制美味的海鲜建立了自己的声誉。)

3. establish a presence(建立存在感)

例如:The company aims to establish a strong online presence to attract more customers.(这家公司旨在建立强大的网络存在感,吸引更多客户。)

4. establish communication(建立联系)

例如:We need to establish better communication between different departments.(我们需要在不同部门之间建立更好的沟通联系。)

5. established fact(已知事实)

例如:It is an established fact that smoking is harmful to health.(吸烟有害健康是个已知的事实。)

