


我们留学·雅思官方专区>>排名来源于2023年11月国际教育协会(IEE)发布的《2023 美国门户开放报告》。雅思成绩来源于学校官方网站,数据更新于2023年5月。
排名院校名称所在地雅思分数要求(本科课程)雅思分数要求(研究生课程)1New York University
纽约大学New York, NY7.5Stern School of Business: 7.0
Gallatin School of Individualized Study:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
Silver School of Social Work: 认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
College of Nursing:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
School of Professional and Continuing Studies: 7.0
College of Dentistry, Advanced Programs for International Dentists: 6.5
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
Tisch School of the Arts:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校Law School:
LLM: 7.0 (听力和阅读不低于7.5,写作和口语不低于7.0)
JSD: 7.0 (听力和阅读不低于7.5,写作和口语不低于7.0)2University of Southern California
南加州大学Los Angeles, CA7.0Graduate admissions:
Ph. D.: 7.0 (单科不低于6)
Masters: 6.5 (单科不低于6.0 )Law School:
* LLM: 7.0
Marshall School of Business: 73University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校Champaign, IL雅思分数要求请咨询学校Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单科不低于6.0 )Law School
* LLM: 6.5 (单科不低于6.0.)4Columbia University
哥伦比亚大学New York, NY7.0Graduate admissions: 7.0
Graduate School of Journalism: 8.5
Master of Arts: 8.0; Ph.D 8.0;
Master of computer science 8.0
Teacher's College: 7.0
School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0
School of Social Work: 7.0
Business School Master of Science Programs: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校
Business School Doctoral Program: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校
Institute of Human Nutrition: 7.0
School of Continuing Education: 7.0
School of Nursing: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校5Purdue University--West Lafayette
普渡大学西拉法叶校区West Lafayette, IN6.5 ( 单科不低于6.0)Graduate admissions: 6.56University of California--Los Angeles
加州大学洛杉矶分校Los Angeles, CA7Graduate admissions: 7.0
Anderson School of Management: 7.07Northeastern University
东北大学Boston, MA6.5 (单科不低于6.0)College of Social Sciences and Humanities:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
Master of Design for Sustainable Urban Environments (MDes): 7.0
School of Journalism: 7.0
College of Arts, Media & Design: 7.0
Bouve College of Health Sciences: 7.0 (Master of Science in Health Informatics 7.5)
D'Amore-McKim School of Business:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5
School of Engineering: 6.5
Sciences in Marine Biology: 6.5
亚利桑那大学Tucson, AZ6.0 Eller College of Management (business), College of Engineering ,
College of Nursing or Bachelor of Arts in Law: 6.5Graduate admissions: 7.0 (Most departments)
College of Engineering: 7.0(单科不低于6)
UA Zuckerman College of Public Health: 7.0(单科不低于6)9Michigan State University
密歇根州立大学East Lansing, MI6.5Graduate admissions: 6.5College of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
Broad College of Business: 7.010University of Washington
华盛顿大学Seattle, WA7.0Graduate admissions: 7.0 (ESL required: 6.0 )School of Law:
* LLM: 7.011University of Michigan--Ann Arbor
密歇根大学安娜堡分校Ann Arbor, MI6.5-7.0 (单科不低于6.5)Graduate admissions: 6.5
Ross School of Business: 7.0
School of Social Work: 7.0
Rackham School of Graduate Studies: 6.5
Graduate School of Education and Counselling: 6.5
Taubman School – Architecture: 7.0
School of Information: 7.0
School of Music: 6.0
School of Nursing: 6.5
Public Health: 6.5Public Policy: 6.5School of Law* SJD: 7.012Boston University
波士顿大学Boston, MA7.0Graduate admissions: 7.0
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5
College of Engineering : 6.5
School of Education: 6.5 (7.0 for TESOL)
School of Management: 7.0
School of Public Health: 6.0
School of Social Work: 6.5School of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
School of Theology: 6.5 (Masters degrees only)
Division of Graduate Medical Sciences: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校
College of Fine Arts: 7.0
College of Communication: 7.013Pennsylvania State University--University Park
宾州州立大学帕克校区University Park, PA6.5Graduate admissions: 6.5
Smeal College of Business
Master of Business Administration Program: 7.0Dickinson School of Law:
* LLM: 6.5
* JD/MA: 7.014Ohio State University--Columbus
俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校Columbus, OH6.5Graduate admissions: 7.0
Fisher College of Business:
* Master of Business Administration: 7.0
* Master of Business Operational Excellence: 8.0
Master of Labor and Human Resources: 7.5Mortiz College of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
* JD: 8.015Indiana University--Bloomington
印地安那大学伯明顿分校Bloomington, IN6.5Graduate admissions: 6.5
Master of Business Administration: 7.0School of Law:
* SJD: 7.0
School of Public and Environmental Affairs: 7.016University of Minnesota--Twin Cities
明尼苏达大学双子城分校Minneapolis, MN6.5Graduate admissions: 6.5
Carlson School of Management: 7.0
School of Journalism and Mass Communication: 认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校
School of Music: 6.5
School of Public Health: 7.0Law School:
纽约州立大学布法罗分校Buffalo, NY6.5Graduate admissions : 6.5
(单科不低于6.0)18University of California--Berkeley
加州大学伯克利分校Berkeley, CA7.0Graduate admissions: 7.0
Haas School of Business: 7.0School of Law
德克萨斯州大学达拉斯分校Richardson, TX6.5Graduate admissions: 6.520University of South Florida
南佛罗里达大学Tampa, FL6.5Graduate admissions: 6.5以上就是最受国际学生欢迎美国院校前20 名雅思成绩要求的内容,希望对你有所帮助!



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