
wow要求配置系统配置需求 :
Windows 系统:
Windows XP 32/64位 (Service pack 3)
Windows Vista 32/64位
Windows 7 32/64位
最低配置: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+
推荐配置: Dual-core processor, such as the Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2
最低配置: 512 MB (Vista系统用户需要1GB)
推荐配置: 1 GB (Vista系统用户需要2GB)
最低配置: 支持硬件T&L技术的32MB显存3D显卡,例如 NVIDIA? GeForce? 2 或 ATI? Radeon? 7200 以上级别显卡
推荐配置:拥有顶点及像素着色功能的128MB显存3D显卡,例如 NVIDIA? GeForce? 7600 或 ATI? Radeon? X1600 或更高性能显卡
硬盘:15G 或者更多的硬盘空间
声卡:兼容 DirectX 的声卡

基本上所有本都可以流畅玩,这个价位建议神舟精盾K470 i5
第1个回答  2011-01-30
" said frowning wow powerleveling smile, slips look up at the sky of the mast, said: "My friends, do you think often Erye could not find you?" he said here, with his right hand a little too long under the lapel to mention a few, suddenly a little feet to "Yihe sky," the dodge skills,wow account, abruptly pulled the body up, vertical masts, with the first pick to go! Night, often through this shenfa This is like a giant griffin, to be near the top of the mast at his flat on the second arm of a wow power leveling point,wow gold, such as geese have been falling like the mast Shaotou on foot. Then the wind whistling days, his body black, and his shoulder that brought the golden cloak fluttering sound of the float up, it seems indeed dangerous to the extreme. Guo Feihong is hiding in the dark though, but the face and often pass these moves, he can see clearly, then see the other side "without grounds", could not help some funny, but always pass it a dodge, but it also made him quietly startling. Always one foot point to the mast top, body HUO Di a Daofan, only to toe hook hanging in the first Pianfan head, upside down, and have all the sails look in the eyes. At this time, he has confirmed that no one in the first masts, nose uttered Lengheng. Two-arm spin to see him wow gold one point, as is a cut empty swallow, his first points on the wrist while the second, feet Doudi a kick, the body has again fled to the top of the second masts. This is two too Xu distance from the mast, but often dart out through the body, like the reach of the general, he did not see how difficult. He followed an inverted Yang of body style, elegant as Tongye wow gold floating empty, has the body came to a mast. Then I saw him hanging off the face goes on, become more white, and he soon issued a class of similar length, such as owl laughed: "My friends,wow gold, if you all share the palm often Erye, I often pass the name backwards writing, we see who it hard! "said palms to chest a hold and was about to try to Pi Kongzhang force, forced to fight looked out at this time, the bow side, suddenly came Voices clamor burst of chaos, someone called out loudly: "Chang Er Ye, you see the boat is meant to find our troubles!" grimace often through wow powerleveling dense smile, said: "This is it!" Initials, Finals, the first step row Several disease point, has been displaying "clear slug some water," the dodge skills, prosperous and came to the fore from the prosperous and landing. Eyes look, and he saw the ship about twenty feet in front of the place, driving with a canopy of colorful flowers take a boat.
第2个回答  2011-01-30








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第3个回答  2011-01-31