
1:你再怎么有 经验,也得学习新技术

1. You have to learn new skills no matter how much experience you have.(或no matter how experienced you are)
2. Another question is that who will be sent to lead the researching.
3. They faced a little trouble at the begining of their relationship because of their different cultures.
4. Although he has experienced a lot, I still believe that he will succeed some day.
5. I hold my opinion about the realness of your saying.
6. She is not so tall but she is thin, which gives others an illusion that she is tall.

第1个回答  2011-02-12
1, No matter how experienced you are, you need to learn new skills.
2, One more question, to send who lead there's reserce task.
3, Thanks to different culture, the relationship between them occured some problems at first.
4, Although he experienced ups and downs, I belive he will success one day.
5, I have my reservations about the reality of what you said.
6, She is not tall, but slim, so she impressed other she is tall.
第2个回答  2011-02-12
1. No matter how much experience you've got, you have to learn new technology.
2. One more question is who should we designate as the leader for the research there.
3. Due to culture differences, they did have some difficulty in their relationship at the beginning.
4. Although he had ups and downs in the past, I have always had the confidence in him that he will succeed sooner or later.
5. I have some reservations about the thuth of what you said.
6. She is not tall, but she looks tall because she is slim.
第3个回答  2011-02-12
1no matter how much experience you have , you have to learn new tech