


第十章 动词 have



1. have/has 某人有某物

2. have/has 固定词组

3. have/has 固定句型

4. have/has 现在完成时

5. have/has 现在完成进行时

6. had 过去完成时

第二节:have/has 某人有某物


have: 主语为 I/we/you/they/Tom and Mike/

has : 主语为 he/she/it/Tom/My father/


A类:当 have/has 为助动词的情况

1. You have a brother.

Have you a brother? I haven't a brother.

2.She has a book.

Has she a book? She has not a book.

B类:当 have/has 为实义动词(普通动词)的情况

1. You have a brother.

Do you have a brother? You don't have a brother.

2. She has a book.

Does she have a book?She doesn't have a book.

第三节:have/has 固定词组

1. have breakfast 2. have lunch

3. have supper 4. have sports

5. have a dinner 6. have a party

7. have a gathering 8. have a picnic

9. have a rest 10.have a break

11.have a bath 12.have a shower

13.have a test 14.have a dictation

15.have a sleep 16.have a nap

17.have a date 18.have a meeting

19.have a match 20.have a game

21.have a cold 22.have a fever

23.have a headache 24.have a try

25.have a talk 26.have a conversation

27.have an exam 28.have an outing

29.have an injection 30.have an operation

31.have an exercise 32.have an accident

33.have an appointment 34.have a discussion

35.have a good time 36.have a sports meet

37.have morning exercises38.have funs

39.have a call 40.have some medicine

41.have a look 42.have a chat

第四节:have/has 固定句型

1. have something to do with...

2. have nothing to do with...

3. have one's hair cut

4. have ...repaired

5. have ...done

6. have something wrong

7. have nothing wrong

8. have a word with...

9. have a joke on...

10. have got...

11. have to do...

12. have a look at...

第五节:现在完成时 have + done (略)



构成:have/has (already,ever)+ done

助动词: have/has

备注: since,for,yet,already,twice等的用法。


1. I have just finished my homework.

2. You have already learned something about it.

3. They have ever heard this story twice.

4. He has lived in a small village for30 years.

5. She has studied China's history since her childhood.

6. Tom has not visited the Great Wall yet.

第六节:过去完成时 had + done(略)


构成:had (already,ever)+ done



2.注意 already,ever,yet,twice,by the end of... 等的用法。


1. I had lived here for 19 years by the end of 1980.

2. They had reviewed the text twice before their teacher came in.

3. He told me that he had finished his homework.

4. I asked her whether she had met Tom before.

5. The thief admitted that he had stolen several wallets before he was arrested.

第七节:现在完成进行时 have been doing... (略)



构成:have/has been doing...



1. I have been waiting for you for a long time.

2. We have been looking for such a person of talent everywhere.

3. The poor old man has been living by himself since his wife died.

4. The fans have been waiting for the pop star for more than 3 hours in the cold,but he has not shown up.


1. As we have to stay in Tibet for two months, probably we will have time to go ballooning .
2. You have no choice, you have to take along your cat.
3. Stop blaming me, I have as much pain as you have.
4. I have a picnic today but I don't have a basket…can you lend me yours?
5. Normally healthy people have 80 beats per minute, while you have 130.
6. I have never tried this kind of food before. May I have some?
7. It was your idea so now you have to accept all the consequences.
8. I'll have to work hard to be accepted by my new colleagues.
第1个回答  2010-12-04
be had上当,受骗
had rather (或sooner)宁可,宁愿
have about one随身带
have an in获得当权者的宠爱
have … against someone因…不喜欢某人,因…对某人有敌
have and hold【法律】保有;合法保有
have … coming to[口语]自作自受,应得
have it a. 取得胜利(或优势)
have it (all) over比…好,优于,胜过
have it bad (for)[美国俚语](对…)怀有一片痴情
have it out of someone向某人报仇;让某人受到惩罚本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-04
have a care (或 an eye 等)
见 care, eye,等
have got it bad
(或 badly)(informal)be very powerfully affected emotionally, especially by love

have had it
be in a very poor condition; be beyond repair or past its best

have it
[with clause]express the view that (used to indicate that the speaker is reporting something which they do not necessarily believe to be fact)

have it away (on one's toes)
(Brit. informal)leave quickly
have it away or off

have got it in for
(informal)feel a particular dislike of (someone) and behave in a hostile manner towards them

have got it in one to do something
(informal)have the capacity or potential (to do something)

have it out
(informal)attempt to resolve a contentious matter by confronting someone and engaging in a frank discussion or argument

have a nice day
(chiefly US)used to express good wishes when parting

have got nothing on
be not nearly as good as (someone or something), especially in a particular respect
(have nothing 或 something on someone)know nothing (or something) discreditable or incriminating about someone

have nothing to do with

have one too many

have got something to oneself
be able to use, occupy, or enjoy something without having to share it with anyone else
