


My weekend is colorful, reading, TV, sports...


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight came into my little room, I woke up.


Weekend time is precious. I don't want to waste it on sleeping.


Afternoon time is always very warm, every weekend, I always like to play basketball at this point.


When sweat drops on the basketball court, my mood is just like the jumping body, singing all the way.


Time flies, the weekend passed me happily. I'm looking forward to the next weekend again.


第1个回答  2018-04-30
Last week, on Saturday morning, I cleaned my room, it was very dirty, but now is very clean, so because of this I feel happy. In the afternoon, I went to the library, I read a book about Chinese history. We want to learn, make persistent efforts. On Sunday morning, I went to the uncle, and brother play together for a long time, I am very happy. In the afternoon, I watched a movie about aliens. I have such a happy weekend! Next weekend, I want to go to a classmate home, discuss with him. In the afternoon, I want to take a shower, good personal hygiene. I also want to go to the playground, relax. Hope I can be happy!

上周,在星期六的上午,我打扫了自己的房间,它以前很脏,但现在非常干净,我的心情也因为这个随之高兴。下午,我去了图书室,我读了一本关于中国历史的书。我们要吸取经验,再接再厉。在周日上午,我去了叔叔家,和哥哥一起玩了很久,我很高兴。下午,我看了一场关于外星人的电影。我拥有一个多么快乐的周末啊!下个周末,我想去同学家,和他一起探讨问题。下午,我想要去洗澡,搞好个人卫生。我还想 去游乐场 ,放松心情。希望我能快乐!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-07-27
I was very busy last weekend,on saturday morning ,I visted my grandparents and helped them clean the room,in the afternoon,I went to the bookstore to buy some books;on sunday,I washed many clothes in the morning and watched TV in the afternoon,in the evening, I went to bed early. that was my busy weekend,now I hope the next weekend.
第3个回答  2020-05-11
第4个回答  2020-02-14