on the line歌词中英


歌曲《On the Line》的歌词描绘了一段关于面对困难与改变的旅程。首先,它告诉我们没有结束的迹象,低潮和困苦依然存在,这时候,你需要放下负担,敞开心扉,抱有信念,"You gotta take that chip off your shoulder, It's time you open up, have some faith"。

歌词强调了成功不易,好事总是来得晚些,"Nothing good ever comes easy, All good things come in due time"。你必须相信某样东西,"You gotta have something to believe in",并且开放你的思维,"I'm telling you to open your mind"。

当你想要改正错误或者改变现状,"Gotta put your heart on the line, If you wanna make it right",就需要勇敢地伸出手去尝试,"You've got to reach out and try",甚至全力以赴,"Gotta put it all on the line"。看到镜中的自己并不满意,那就应该考虑做出改变,"Don't waste your time on the past, It's time you look to the future"。

歌词鼓励你面对过去,看向未来,"It's all right there if you ask, This time you could try much harder",相信自己能够做到最好的自己,"You'll be the best that you can be"。最后,再次强调,如果你想好转,就要全心投入,"Gotta put your heart on the line, If you wanna get it right",并抓住现在,"If you wanna do it now"。

总的来说,这首歌鼓励我们放下负担,积极面对生活中的挑战,相信自己,勇于尝试,为梦想全力以赴,照亮自己的道路。"You gotta go for what you want, You've gotta know, You've got to shine, Girl"。