
论文的写作顺序是:标题、作者班级、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要及关键词、正文、参考文献。 是先写好班级姓名指导老师 还是在最后一起写 能大体的给我个框架看看吗

  学院班级:*** 姓名:*** 学号:***

  摘 要:本文介绍了48V/50A开关通信电源的结构、原理、及设计过程等。整个电源由输入电路、整流电路、功率因数校正电路、主逆变电路、输出滤波电路、辅助电源等部分组成。
  High frequency communication switching supply(正文)
  ABSTRACT:This paper give us a discription 48V/50A of the structure, principle of the switch electrical and the course of design and so on. The ex import circuit, PFC, Against becoming, export filter circui, sub sidiary engineering power supple and controllable circuit make up the uhole engeering power supple .It takes soft switch technical up.
  The electrical switch has its own advantages such as efficient, small-sized volume, lighter weight and ect. It takes soft switch technical up. The frequency of the switch is designed at 100KHZ.Thus limitation the volume of the transformer. Because of the soft switch technical the wastase is cut down abviously. This design paper explain the leading circuit detailedly and make some calulation of the main parameters .I give a detailed discription of the controllable
第1个回答  2010-12-18
好麻烦啊 我都没老师指导 ~~~