in future 和in the future到底有什么区别?!


in future 今后(离现在时间较短时间,今后,日后)
I'll be more careful in future.
In future, make sure you get here on time.
今后, 要保证准时来这里。
1. In future, make sure you get here on time. 今后,要保证准时来这里。

2. I'll be more careful in future. 以后我会小心些。

3. I don't believe in future life. 我不信有来生。

4. Please date your letters to me in future. 以后请在你给我的信上写明日期。

5. We may find it useful in future. 这东西日后可能用得着。

6. The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets. 将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。

7. In future,astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and return to it. 将来,宇航员应当能从依然在太空中的宇宙飞船中下来,并且能够回到飞船里去。

8. In future,astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it. 将来,将要求宇航员从停在太空里的飞船中下来并且能回到飞船中去。

9. How rigorously the test will be applied in future cases is unclear. 现在还不清楚在将来的案例中,对这种检验的运用能严厉到何种程度。

10. Ask your husband to call another doctor in future. 告诉你的丈夫去另请一位医生来。

11. We all work hard in the interests of our future. 我们都为我们自己的将来而努力工作。

12. His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。

13. The world's ever-increasing population will cause great problems in the future. 世界人口的不断增长将给未来带来重大的问题。

14. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 我盼望着不久收到你的信。

15. I wouldn't dream of studying abroad in the near future. 近期内我不考虑出国读书。

16. We were completely in the dark as to his future plans. 对他的未来计划我们全然不知。

17. No one can foresee what will happen in the future. 谁也无法预见到将来会发生什么事。

18. The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future. 未来一段时间这座雕像会继续留在博物馆里。

19. We hope to move to the country in the near future. 我们希望在不久的将来搬到乡下。

20. All the family join me in wishing you a happy future. 所有的家人同我一道祝你未来幸福。

in the future 今后,将来;日后 (从现在以后所有时间,将来;未来)

1. 今后, 将来
He does not care in the least what will happen in the future.
His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future.
他心情舒畅, 对前途很有信心。
The prognosis is for more people to work part-time in the future.

2. His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。

3. The world's ever-increasing population will cause great problems in the future. 世界人口的不断增长将给未来带来重大的问题。

4. No one can foresee what will happen in the future. 谁也无法预见到将来会发生什么事。

5. We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future. 希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。

6. He profoundly believed in the future victory of the revolution. 他深信革命将来必然会取得胜利。

7. Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. 前事不忘,后事之师。

8. More care in the future will prevent recurrence of the mistake. 将来的小心可防止错误的重现。

9. We shall win greater victories in the future. 我们将取得更大的胜利。

10. He does not care in the least what will happen in the future. 他对以后发生什么事一点也不在乎。

11. We shall have to be on our guard against making mistakes like that in the future. 我们今后必须防止发生类似错误。

12. The country was given military help by its neighbours and It'swallowed the bait without realizing how dependent it would become on its neighbours in the future. 这个国家接受了邻近一些国家的军事援助,未意识到将来它对邻国的依赖性,因而上了圈套。

13. I can't seem to get it home to my son that extra time spent studying now will pay off in the future. 我似乎无法使儿子明白,现在花在学习上的额外时间将来会有报偿的。

14. We need not hope for lower taxes in the future that would be crying for the moon. 我们不希望将来会减税,那是异想天开。

15. I am treasuring up my thoughts of this happy time to give me joy in the future. 我把这幸福的时刻铭记在心,将来回想起来也会感到愉快的。

16. What magical effects will moviemakers use in the future? 电影制作者未来会使用什么技术?

17. In the future she will be our ruler, a lady official." 将来是我们的统治者,女官。”

18. Freon will not be used as refrigerant in the future. 未来的制冷剂将不会使用氟利昂。

19. In the future we envision a federation of companies. 我们设想将来会成立一个公司联盟。

20. The country was given military help by its neighbours and it swallowed the bait without realizing how dependent it would become on its neighbours in the future. 这个国家接受了邻近一些国家的军事援助,未意识到将来它对邻国的依赖性,因而上了圈套。
第1个回答  2013-11-07
in future:相当于from now on

1. "I hope they'll be more cautious in future, " he observed.
2. I inform you that I have this day removed to......, where all communication shall in future be addressed.
3. Keep your opinions to yourself in future!

in the future:

1. The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.
2. We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future.
3. Reliance on something in the future; hope.
第2个回答  2020-07-13
in the future只能用在一般将来时。 但是in future可以用在过去将来时!
第3个回答  2021-01-21
in future "今后",指从现在起.in the future "将来",指一段时间后的将来.
第4个回答  2020-10-08
in future指从今以后 in the future 指将来,也就是未来