
你在那里是从事什么工作呀 。
我现在在武汉上班快三个月了,感觉整个人就象个机器,每天重复着同样事情,而且我的老板非常的凶,所以我们都非常的讨厌他,只要他一出差,我们整个公司都停止自己的事,就是象和他在玩捉迷藏一样,好笑吧 ?


一定要准确啊 ! 追加回更多哟~

第1个回答  2007-08-22
Where you are engaged in what ah.
I now work in Wuhan, a fast three months, I feel like a whole person machinery, the daily repeat the same thing, and my boss very fierce, so we were very dislike him, as long as he one mission, we have to stop the company's own business, and he is like playing hide and seek, funny?
At the company I know a professor, he used to go abroad, now more than 60 years old he always taught me English, but I want to remember a bit less, because the tired, I in my company is the lowest, the lowest qualifications, the majority are university students.
Today talk to here!

Happy day!
第2个回答  2007-08-22